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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Philly Union Boss Indicted

116 charges against IBEW officials, city council Dem

One of Philadelphia's most powerful union bosses and the city's Democratic majority leader stand accused of embezzling funds from the workers they claimed to represent.

The Department of Justice indicted International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 98 boss John "Doc" Dougherty Jr. and several other union officials, as well as Democratic City Councilman Bobby Henon, on corruption charges. They face 116 counts of misusing of union funds to serve their own interests rather than those of their members.

"When union leaders misdirect the organization's money for personal gain, they're breaching their obligation to members—and breaking the law," Michael T. Harpster, special agent in charge of the FBI's Philadelphia division, said in a statement. "Such corruption must not go unchecked. No matter how long it takes, the FBI and our partners will investigate and work to hold accountable unscrupulous union and public officials."

The indictment accuses the union officials and Henon, a labor official and the city council's majority leader, of using union coffers as a personal piggybank. They allegedly used their positions to enrich themselves, buying everything from concert tickets to receiving free labor on their homes. The corruption probe conducted by the FBI, Labor Department, IRS, and several other federal agencies found that the group "conspired and agreed to embezzle Local 98 funds for their own personal use and the use of their family members, friends, and commercial businesses."



  1. Here's the face of the Democratic Party, except for the little people, who believe the lies.

  2. What about the union treasurer? And the CPAs that did their audits?

  3. Unions are antiquated. Ever since the department of labor was founded there’s virtually no viable reason for them to still exist. People need to wise up and realize the world that’s pulled over their eyes.

  4. Didn't a poster mention weeks ago how wonderful and hard working THE IBEW were?! LMAO

    1. No poser here pal, never said we didn't have a bad apple or two in the bunch. They will be dealt with. Proud To Be Union


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