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Monday, February 18, 2019

Not pregnant? No problem. Abortion clinic sold abortions to non-pregnant women

February 15, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – It’s no secret that abortion is a profitable business. But according to one former abortion clinic manager, some abortion clinics are so driven by profit that they will lie to women, convincing them they're pregnant when they’re not simply in order to close the “sale” and maximize profit.

Carol Everett, who managed multiple abortion clinics over a space of several years before converting to the pro-life position in 1983, recently told Jonathon van Maren on The Van Maren Show, LifeSite's new weekly podcast, how her staff and abortionists would trick non-pregnant women into getting abortions.

If a woman’s pregnancy test came back negative, the staff would “take her back to see what she knows about sonograms.”

Since ultrasounds can be hard to interpret, especially early in pregnancy, the sonographer can always “find a blob” in the woman’s abdomen. “She doesn't know what an early pregnancy looks like,” said Everett.



  1. Well if your that stupid......you should not be having sex.

  2. How low can these individuals go?

  3. WOW. What else can you say about the democrats. They are beyond LOW. They are SUBSURFACE and going down hill.


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