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Monday, February 18, 2019

Creepy Joe Biden Goes to Europe and Trashes America, Says Our Nation is an 'Embarrassment'!

Creepy former-Vice President Joe Biden spoke at the NATO Munich Security Conference on Saturday and called the United States an “embarrassment.”

Speaking to European allies, Biden trashed America with an open hostility, violating the unspoken tradition of leaving political gripes at home when speaking in foreign nations.

“The America I see values basic human decency, not snatching children from their parents or turning our back on refugees at our border. Americans know that’s not right,” Biden asserted. “The American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly, that it is not right. That it is not who we are.”

Biden has not ruled out running for president — and is seen as a favorite to win the nomination by pollsters.



  1. Joe should shut his pie hole! He's whats embarrassing.

  2. He's right, but he is one of the major embarrassments.

  3. He has desire to take Trump out back. The only thing holding him back is fear. The Donald should tell slow Joe he will meet him out back and put sumpin on his stupid bad self.

  4. Comical as he's partly to blame

  5. Who told him that he could take his clown show on the road?

  6. 1:40 listen up. You have your free opinion but you need to educate yourself. Biden is Biden. Stupid as they come. Our President is the first to really care about American people and you need to start respecting him and your country. Anyone speaking badly to another country about America should stay in that country or come back to America and tried for treason . Get it.

  7. Joe Biden is the embarrassment and he needs to stay home and shut up and 2:01pm, you are exactly correct.

  8. May the refugees make their way to his front door, and squat and picket his property.

  9. Just following in Obama's footsteps. Biden is on his own "apology tour."

  10. Did he take his niece with him ???


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