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Sunday, February 24, 2019

'Muslim Community Patrols' have NYC residents alarmed


  1. It won't be long. I read a story years ago about their takeover and it's happening before our eyes while we let it.

  2. LMAO - this is what you liberals wanted. Forget about 911 and allow the enemy to come right in.

    Its going to get worst, look at Europe, look at London. The ex Muslim President dropped all these people in here, and I promise they will vote.

  3. I guess they will vote 8:27. They will create and vote laws in while serving us on our congress, and anywhere else. The takeover has been planned for years and now activated with us reading and watching doing nothing. We had eight miserable years before President Donald J. Trump because we were showing how nice, kind, diverse and stupid we were to get a person of color as president (not my term). Well we got it but didn't know what color it was. Reverend Frank Graham wrote that it is too late for our country to turn around. I didn't realize I was all that religious, but I will have more faith. It may be hard but it has to turn around or go down. So far we have been very bless that Trump has been on the job.

    1. Yes, words cannot describe how blessed we are to have President Trump in office.

  4. Yup I have been warning this was going to happen look at Englishstan.

  5. 8:09 and 8:27 yet you all still vote for these ass hats who let this happen, or you don't vote in either case, it is bad, and you all just sit there letting it happen while you what? Complain, so you too are the problem... Not just the people doing it... Clearly you know what and how and why this is going on, so you just sitting there doing nothing helps those same people do what it is you complain about... You have to stand up and fight back before you get the right to complain...

    1. 9:39 I would venture to say the people that take the time to read and reply on this site will also take the time to vote, and not for what they are bitching about but against it. I would also venture to say that you're a chronic complainer. So with that said, what are you doing help this country get right ??

    2. I did not vote for Obama (twice). I voted for Trump. Will again in 2020. When I complain on this blog it is usually because I find it hard to believe these type of actions are happening in America.

  6. A civil war is coming and it will be real bloody but the outcome of that war will determine whether we have constitutional republic or some form of dictatorship.

  7. 9:39...you must have been criticized a lot making your way through this world or you wouldn't be lambasting a couple of people contributing to the post. My question for a insecure subject as yourself would be, what are you doing to stop the take over? Vote, vote for the right candidate, staying in touch with your favorite congress person or what? Maybe angry because you wanted the woman in the white house.Please tell us, you sound like a real take charge individual with anger issues. Calm done and tell us, we will be waiting. Don't forget, tell us what you are doing, not what others aren't doing. Don't mean this critical, you've had enough of that and I'm sorry.

  8. The Somalian Muslim princess from Minnesota is a good example of what happens when you bus immigrants into an area to "diversify" it. Ask the folks in Minneapolis/St Paul who didn't vote for her. What is stopping them from creating local laws the circumvent the Constitution. Its the same game the Democrats are playing with their "25th Amendment" b.s. It's not about what the people want, its about changing the people to fit an agenda for those who are out to destroy liberty. Diversity is a ruse.

  9. February 18, 2019 at 9:39 AM

    Wrong, I will stand and fight and do vote. I didn't vote for Obamation and or any Demoncrap. How can you stop cheaters and liars. If people don't start tracking the MONEY of the politicians, nothing will ever get resolved. Thanks but I fight and have earned the right to complain.

    1. 11:56- I see you weekly ranting about how we are the problem, or "asshats", as you like to call everyone. 11:04 is 100% correct. You not voting for Democrats does not give you right to berate everyone else. Your "fight" is to troll this site's viewers, while most of us agreeing with you. Not your rants, but general views. The last election shows that anyone viewing this blog likely voted. You sound unhinged.

  10. You sure makes some stupid remarks 9:39 when not knowing who you're commenting too. Telling somebody they have no right to complain while doing just that. Funny stuff. What a major nut job.

  11. Anonymous said...
    A civil war is coming and it will be real bloody but the outcome of that war will determine whether we have constitutional republic or some form of dictatorship.

    February 18, 2019 at 10:33 AM

    I agree, I think a Civil War might be getting close. The funny thing is the Progressives are calling President Trump a "Dictator." How soon they forget about Obama being a true Dictator and abusing his power. WTH do you think he is still living in DC for? He was hoping President Trump would be "Impeached" or removed from office so that he could be put back in by the masses. Many were predicting he would call Marshal Law before Trump was sworn in. Let that one sink in!

  12. whats the problem? they only bother the liberal jews, women and gays!

    1. That comment must be from a person who doesn't mind government surveillance because they never do anything wrong

  13. That's what Iran and Saudi Arabia have, Morality Police. They round up gays and throw them off of tall buildings. But hey, NYC NEEDS morality police. Not just for gays, but also for the baby killers.


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