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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Jussie Smollett reportedly paid two men to orchestrate attack

Chicago police now believe “Empire” TV actor Jussie Smollett paid two pals to fake the attack that he has insisted was carried out by a pair of homophobic and racist strangers, according to a stunning new report.

The buddies — body-builder brothers from Nigeria — told cops they purchased the rope for the noose recovered from Smollett’s neck ­after the attack, Fox’s Chicago affiliate reported Saturday night, citing multiple Chicago law-enforcement sources.

The two are cooperating with the probe, and have turned over to cops the Ace Hardware receipt for their purchase of the rope, Fox 32 reported.



  1. Only an idiot didn't see that this was a con job from the start.

  2. This is so sad on many counts. It could have caused a race riot. It shows that the democrat party is successful in sowing hate. When Democrats preach identity politics people need something to keep the hoax and the hate going. So when nothing happens this stupid a— creates it. This happens all over the country. It happened at Salisbury U. Thirty plus years of preaching hate is enough. Stop supporting the Democrats. They are hate mongers.

  3. Of course he did. Anyone who ever thought otherwise is either a complete ignoramus and/or a dishonest POS. There is no such thing as racism so they have to make it up. Now let us see if that self called Christian woman April R Jackson Sby council woman has the morals and the decency to make a FB post condemning smollett's actions after all she couldn't wait to make one when she thought she could race bait.

  4. Exactly 7:52, the incident at S.U. was swept away because it as a "hoax", however the outcome of could have been the same as if it were a real crime. The punishment should be the same as if it were a crime because trying to blame another race for something they didn't do is not a hoax, it is a hate crime. I wonder if those kids were expelled?

  5. Say it's not so I'm shocked I can't believe it I've been duped and hoodwinked.

  6. Maxine...oh MAXINE, what say you now?

    Term limits folks!

  7. “It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.” -President Ronald Reagan

    Fellow travelers, we wish that Reagan's words still rang true like they did when he was our leader. But as evidenced here, the liberals have morphed into Moaists, Leftists and centrists. How do you know the difference?

    We should not vilify the true liberals. The ones who care about rights and freedoms. Soon, they too will be disgusted by the Maoists and Leftists. It's just a matter of time, you have seen their reaction the the post-birth abortion laws in NY and Va.

    The Maoists and Leftists, my listeners, have the eyes and minds of Satan. You can identify them so easily. They are clearly part of the realm beyond which humans, regardless of religious beliefs, would identify as even remotely moral. Their consciousness has been replaced with Alinsky, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao's Little Red Book.

    They make even Barack Obama look like a centrists. We have entered a dark era.

  8. April Jackson is the perfect example of how going on generations now they aren't raised by honest decent people who teach them moral and the example of why the race has social problems in epidemic levels. She can lie all day long but she is NOT a christian and GOD SEES her ugly evil heart. She ain't fooling Him. She still says Trayvon Martin was innocent even though the PROOF is including by the states' own witnesses that Martin was beating the crap out of Zimmerman. She doesn't have the morals in her to admit Martin was a thug. Nasty woman who the blacks hold up to some kind of authority figure. It's no wonder their youth are slaughter EACH OTHER. What they look up to is disgusting and if they were raised with any morals they would be ashamed.

  9. Democrats never let facts stand in the way of a good story. They've spent so much time generating their own realities in Hollywood, they can no longer tell the difference between the truth and a lie.

  10. This is what happens when your political party calls you a victim all the time. Democrats want to keep you engaged by degrading you. Why don’t you people stop supporting democrats and gain back your self respect.

  11. Jackson as a public figure not only owes the public an apology just as she did when she made the insensitive comment about the disabled but she should if she were a decent person resign. Resign because she is at the minimum incompetent at the worst dishonest. Incompetent because for anyone to have believed this story from the beginning shows an extremely low IQ level so if she truly believed it she is not capable of making intelligent well thought out decisions for the city. If she knew the story had some holes but she still tried to make it into race as she did then she is a lying POS who no one of any moral character themselves would want to represent them.

  12. Waters isn't going to say crap. She is the perfect example of how blacks being raised with a complete lack of any and all morals goes back generations now.

  13. "It's truly sad when others stoop to the obscene measures that they are sinking too..Because someone is Gay, Black, Poor, Rich, Christian, Educated, What some call Thug, Uneducated, Asian, Latin, Haitian or White. Doesn't give any of us the right to torture or torment another. One day we are really going to get it....we are the seed of Abraham we are all created from the same God, with the same Red Blood running through our veins. Every organ you have we all have, the only difference is the color of our skin and the texture of the hair. You hate us for No reason. Taught and learned behaviors of this magnitude are dangerous, and no one understands Why we are always on defense mode....We have to be...No one protects us but us! Understand there will be an end to this and everyone has to answer for the part they play. Jussie Smollet, Travon Martin, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown and etc...People will have to pay for your harm, your death and the damages
    they have done to you all, our families, our communities and the USA, not to include other countries. Mass murders walking around everyday killing numerous of people, but they still live. Black man walking down the street minding his own business without a weapon shot down because he is a threat to Who? Because we are the Majority...that's the threat!"

    Jackson't Facebook post about Smollett and others who she claims were just walking down the street minding their own business!! Aprol Jackson should be ashamed of herself telling these lies. Name one that was just walking down the street minding their own business. Name just one April and prove you aren't a liar. She's saying she hates liars when she lies constantly herself.

    1. 9:28 you forgot to mention all the black on black crime in chicago. Can you explain some of that on whitey for me ?

  14. I'm curious, since i don't watch CNN or MSNBC or the other MSM outlets, what is being said on those channels about this. Are they as outraged about this as they would be about, say a white on black crime.
    This was obviously done to get a reaction from the liberal media- which it did. It doesn't matter if the actor was complicit or if it was the idea of the 2 Nigerian body builders, this needs to be retracted as loudly as it was reported as a white on black hate crime by MAGA hat wearing Trump supporters.

  15. Jessie Smollett hates Trump. Fact. Jessie Smollett wants nothing more than to “prove” Trump is a racist. Fact. When the real truth came out about the Covington kids Jessie Smollett couldn’t stand it. So he devised a plan to once again try and make Trump and his supporters appear racist. It’s as simple as that. When racism doesn’t exist some like to make it up. It’s all they have 🤷‍♀️. Except Jessie was too stupid to get away with it🤦‍♀️ I thought he was supposed to be an “actor”? Regardless he is a insecure unhappy man who went to the lengths he went to all because of hate. Let’s see how cnn and the likes spin this story. April do you have anything you’d like to say? Hello? Calling Ms April Jackson...

  16. I don't do Facebook and am not aware of Lady April's comment. I also wasn't aware she was a witness. I guess she was if she said the dude was minding his own business.

  17. Burn him for this! Charge him with a hate crime, obstruction, lying to police, trying to start a riot, race baiting, throw a dozen charges at him like they do here in Wacko county.

  18. "Empire" is a racist show. Don't look at it much except moving through the channels, but I've seen enough to know the agenda they are pushing.


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