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Saturday, February 09, 2019

Maryland drivers facing longer lines, frustration on license renewal to comply with federal law

Maryland drivers are facing longer lines and frustrating revisits to state offices over the next year when they renew their licenses due to tougher requirements for licenses that comply with the federal REAL ID law, legislators heard last week.

Sixty percent of Maryland’s almost 3 million licensed drivers must submit new documentation to prove age, identity and residence by October 2020, or they will be denied access to federal facilities and to boarding commercial aircraft.

The new compliant ID cards have a small star on them, but even hundreds of thousands of Marylanders issued driver’s licenses in 2016 and 2017 that have the star must now submit extra documentation to make sure their licenses truly comply with the federal requirements.



  1. took care of this when I renewed in Dec -

    just read all the information - get all the required paper work together that is needed - amazing I was in and out within 20 minutes because I came prepared

    or do none of the above so you can complain how poorly and disrespectful you were treated.

  2. Will Maryland mandate the same from all the illegals they allow to get Maryland driver license and register them to illegally to vote.
    Maryland is a sanctuary State.

  3. I shouldn't have to provide these documents. Been at the same residence 30 years. I am a person, not a number.

  4. What about the illegal aliens will they still get a license?

  5. Worth it to stop illegal and democrats from voting 7 times each

  6. Sixty percent of Maryland’s almost 3 million licensed drivers must submit new documentation to prove age, identity and residence by October 2020, or they will be denied access to federal facilities and to boarding commercial aircraft.

    Good I don't need a star because I've never had access to either place in my years and won't need it the time I have left.

  7. And how does Hogan figure into this, he had to give his stamp of approval? He is just as dumb as Jake Day any day of the week. Twins from different parents. What Maryland really needs to do is send ISIS to ferret out all the Illegal Immigrants in this state and get all those with criminal records either behind bars or in prison. This is something Hogan and his minions should be doing as a priority. Forget the fluff for attention get the job done, the real stuff. Start doing a sweep in Salisbury as to how many renters are living in each rental property. Check these houses as to how many electrical boxes are on the buildings, how many vehicles are at these properties all nite every nite. Also check the slum lords who allow this city wide problem.

  8. It would seem big brother has all that information on us already.
    We shall see if it applies to all that seek Maryland license/ID.
    I do see many at MVA that may have to provide false documentation in order to comply.

  9. Costs $40.00 also.

  10. What for, I saw a man who could not speak English have an interpreter do his license for him. He could not read or write a word of English!

  11. so how is he driving not knowing English???

  12. But illegals can just walk right in.


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