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Saturday, February 09, 2019

Hillary Clinton on Nancy Pelosi: 'It often takes a woman to get the job done'

Hillary Clinton praised Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi on Thursday for the influx of womenrunning for political office, saying the California Democrat proves "it often takes a woman to get the job done."

In a video that aired Thursday at the 2019 MAKERS Conference in Southern California, the former secretary of state told the audience that "the tidal wave of women and young people running for office is helping to build an America that’s not only kinder, fairer, bigger hearted, but safer, stronger and more secure."

At the annual conference of MAKERS, "a media brand that exists to accelerate the women’s movement," Clinton, 71, praised Pelosi, and her title as speaker, saying: "Doesn't that sound great?"



  1. Yeah, I sure do feel safer with the likes of Hillary and friends. So does my wallet.

  2. Hillary with her record should not be able to speak to any group she should be behind bars: murder in Bengazi, sending e-mails to our enemies that were classified, threatening Her husbands women on the side, erasing and destroying political and government files, embezzling $ into the Clinton Foundation by theft, selling this country' uranium when it wasn't hers to sell. Her and her husbands roll of people working for them and their party that disappeared and are undertermined deaths on their watch! SHE SHOULD BE SERVING HARD TIME AND BILL AS WELL.

  3. It also take a women to destroy too

  4. Monica would agree


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