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Monday, February 18, 2019

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated'

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” nationally syndicated conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said President Donald Trump was right to declare a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border to build a wall.

Limbaugh, “We have an emergency. This is an invasion. The very existence and definition of American culture, American society, the rule of law. Why does nobody talk about the fact that millions and millions and millions of people are breaking the law coming here illegally and that the Democrat Party wants that to happen?”

He added, “It is undeniable that we have a major immigration problem and a political party that needs a permanent underclass of voters that wants that parade of illegal people who are uneducated, don’t even speak the language, they want them here. It is a crisis.”



  1. We already have a huge population of uneducated already on the dole.

  2. Really we should be sending our own over the border to work for the US companies that are THERE. At least those coming here pick up and move and try to better themselves. We have millions on their ass here collecting and expecting a miracle in their floundering home towns toothless and slobbering and flag waving and think that they are better and more entitled than what's coming across the fruit of their lazy loins are not even fit for cannon fodder military service.

  3. Uneducated people make great Democrats! Hillary even said so. She said that Democrats would vote a Turnup into office if it was a registered Democrat.


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