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Monday, February 18, 2019

G-Thanks. Taiwan’s secret military sites revealed in Google Maps update

The latest Google Maps update has revealed the most detailed imagery of cities and terrain for major cities in Taiwan, but has also exposed some of the military's most sensitive sites.

The structures were revealed after Google launched the new function in four major cities -- Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, and Taichung.

The images are so clear that facilities for U.S.-made Patriot missiles, including the types of launchers and models of the missiles, can now be seen, according to the South China Morning Post.

Taiwan’s Defense Minister Yen Te-fa said Saturday that a task force had been formed to work with Google to seek appropriate adjustments to ensure national security was safeguarded.




  1. You can thank the OBAMA administration for this. Before some idiot says "how is it OBAMA fault" crap. OBAMA has allowed Google all sorts of privileg when it comes to spying and keeping Data on everyone. Google is OBAMA personal spy agency.

  2. Google and the other tech companies are part of the Socialist Anarchist movement and the US government is allowing them to dictate what they want just like George Soros.

  3. Not any worse than when Idiot Joe Biden was spilling secrets to the media.

  4. Our enemies knew where they were, don't kid yourselves.


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