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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Joe Biden demands rock star treatment at his $150K gig

For his appearance at the Broward Center last month, Joe Biden wasn’t simply a former vice president and possible 2020 presidential candidate.

He was an artist, similar in many ways to many other entertainers.

That means everything about the appearance — not just the fee — was spelled out in a detailed contract: the program, the dressing room, the food, the time for each segment of the performance.

The contract and the rider, which is an attachment to a contract listing additional details, was obtained and distributed by MapLight, a national nonprofit organization that scrutinizes money in politics. The Broward Center for the Performing Arts didn’t respond to email or phone inquiries about the documents.

Biden was represented by the mega talent Creative Artists Agency, and the contract left little to chance.

Biden’s meal was spelled out in the documents: angel hair pomodoro, Caprese salad and raspberry sorbet with biscotti.

Dressing rooms for Biden and his staff were to be stocked with bottled water, Coke Zero, regular Coke, orange Gatorade and black coffee. Snacks were mixed nuts and A fruit plate.

And Biden’s dressing room was to be labeled “VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN.”

The Money.


  1. You should really be concerned with Cohen's testimony tomorrow...

  2. The Jews got money. No worries. They made MILLIONS off the Civil rights movement.

  3. Yeah well even old rocks stars know when to hang it up.

  4. Riders are standard. I would be SHOCKED if Donald Trump didn't have one... especially given his celebrity back ground.

  5. Joe is a loser. period

  6. Oh I see, it's OK that he's a liar as long as he's not as big a liar as everyone else.

  7. Who is he to demand any damn thing?

  8. He's an artist alright just like R. Kelly touching little girls too.


  9. Is SloJoe getting silk screened ball jackets made for his Farewell Tour?


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