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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Hate Hoax: Prosecutors Charge LGBT Activist with Burning Down Own Home with Pets Inside

Michigan prosecutors say Nikki Joly, a longtime LGBT activist, set fire to her home and killed her pets due to resentment from subsiding controversy over the enactment of non-discrimination legislation he advocated for.

The Detroit News reported Monday that law enforcement charged Joly, a transgender man from Jackson, Michigan, burned down her own home, killing five pets inside, in what was initially investigated by the FBI as an alleged hate crime in 2017. The newspaper, citing two individuals who worked along with Joly at St. Johns United Church of Christ, where the Jackson Pride Center is based, reported that Jolly, 54, had become “frustrated that the controversy over gay rights had died down with the passage of the non-discrimination law.”

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  1. That "shim" is an evil sicko.

  2. What the hell is that idiots problem, a non-discrimination law was passed to protect queers like him but he's still PO'd ? He's a typical liberal jerk that like all liberal/Democrats want a law that says they are better,smarter and more deserving than anyone that doesn't agree with them. Screw him?/her? or whatever that thing calls itself,they can all go to hell.

  3. They're all self serving sickos.

  4. These people have mental issues if thay can't figure out what their parts are for and this is just a manifestation of mental disease

  5. Charge him/her with animal abuse, arson, and anything else you can come up with!


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