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Sunday, February 24, 2019

"Don't Contribute To Solicitors" In Salisbury Maryland

Only in Salisbury Maryland is it illegal, (according to the sign) to donate to bums begging for food and money then it is to stand there begging. 


  1. Hey now cops are waaaaaay too busy to enforce this.

  2. Actually it is not illegal.

    Around christmas one of those freeloaders was standing in the median with his dog. A conversation with both the city pd and state pd revealed that our council, for some unknown reason, decided to change the laws / ordinances and allow them to panhandle. That is why you see so many of them. The weekend of Feb 9th there were 3 of them standing in the median on route 13 N.

    What I find really interesting is that on the bypass you can get fined for turning around in the median, but.. as I am told, no matter how dangerous this whole joke is, if they are not "blocking" traffic or creating a "distraction or disturbance" they can stand in the median of a 6 lane highway all they want.

    They all have the same stance of head down looking mournful and dejected as they stand there begging. One was a woman standing across from the exxon. Later I ran into her in the Exxon parking lot and she had a fist full of dollars so the ruse is lucrative.

    I guess if the council and mayor don't see it, it isn't happening. I am sure it leaves a warm fuzzy feeling to all our out of town visitors as one of the first things they see a bunch of bums lined up on the highway begging for money. After traveling the E coast on and off over the holidays, this shithole of a town is the only place I saw witnessed this.

    I am waiting for someone to get hurt and sued before our guberment anything about this embarrassment. Didn't one of your state officials call this place an outhouse? There is no wonder why. Next it will be legal to crap on the street.

    1. Actually, if it's a controlled access highway, like the bypass is, pedestrians are not allowed.

  3. Salisbury is so damn ass backwards

  4. There are a couple of them that take turns at that corner, and a waitress at Applebee's posted that they take the money they received and go in to buy booze after they are done begging for the day, do not give them money!

  5. I can tell you most do not want food or a job. I have offered both to them.

  6. He just needs money to buy a pair of pants that fit.
    And, he doesn't look too hungry to me, either.

    The coming civil war will cull that herd, believe that.

    I gave one of them a few dollars at the light at the mall and he actually COUNTED THE MONEY (4 ones) before he gave me a disgusted look and a lame thank you.
    He counted it.

    Two more dollars and he gets his cigarettes for the day. Or, $50 more and he can go home?

    Keep cheering.

  7. Could you reword that so it makes sense?

  8. In Florida signs are posted that say "panhandling is discouraged due to it being a traffic hazard". Instead they suggest giving to local charities who dole out what is needed. Good idea!

  9. If this is illegal it is also public access.If the specific law that prohibits this has not been displayed on this or any other news site it should be.

  10. wonder how much I could collect if I dressed up like a nun and stood out there? liberals are so stupid!

  11. If you want to see how hard they really need $ offer them work, offer them a burger you will see how fast they say no. They are too lazy to work, and this is quite profitable. This should be against the law and they should be put in jail everytime they try it. Their are jobs out there for everyone maybe not the pay scale they would like but it would be a start. A lot of the times they will tell you they just don't like working for others. A friend and I used to pick them up and carry them to motel and pay for a night's stay to help them or offer them a meal @McDonalds they will tell you they want a better place to stay with no rent, they prefer a steak dinner to a burger, and would like to go to a nice restaurant. This is the truth so you enablers out there just think of this when you see them.

  12. I have seen them park in McDonalds and they exchange places ever so often. The minivan is not old and trashy. They are about 5 that sits there. Where is the cops? They ride right by instead of locking them up. Should be a 30 day jail time. They will get taken care of and free food.

  13. If I was a homeless panhandler I try to go south where it is usually warmer.


  15. February 19, 2019 at 10:34 AM
    Thank you for clarifying.

  16. Police should Remove them ...Danger to Public !!!!

  17. MSP is right there and they do zero about it and SPD is a joke.

  18. Cash business & no taxes. Better than working, in their eyes. Flexible hours, and off whenever there's bad weather. At least they are doing SOMETHING. Not like the government welfare recipients that don't work, and don't even leave the house to get their benefits.

  19. He just needs a few dollars for his next heroin fix. Helping him helps the cartels south of the border.

  20. LA has a lot more to offer.

  21. Public Nusiance !!! Endangering Public traffic !!

    Has to be plenty of charges that would apply !!!! Get on it !!

    Most are scammers too & Not legit !! Keep your $$$$$

  22. just give him the money before he has to break into your house and steal it!

  23. If he breaks into mine.....He WON'T be leaving to enjoy it !!!!

  24. Fine them and then it will Stop !!!

  25. Looks very Un-sightly & we don't need this happening in
    America !!!

    If our crooked politicians were to start taking care of Our
    country for a change, instead of giving All our resources
    away to the rest of the world , maybe this would not be
    happening anymore.....!!!

    Our Govt waisting /giving away Billions every day !!!

    Look at the Billions the last govt Shutdown flushed down the
    Toilet !!!!

  26. That sign doesn't say it's illegal, just says don't do it (contribute).


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