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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Chase Bank Denies Service to Conservatives

It’s hard to imagine how conservatives could be even more complacent than they actually are about what’s being done to this country.

The schools our children are taught in are almost universally run by liberals who hate everything we stand for, but we don’t demand that our representatives pull funding from state schools that behave that way.

Hollywood has become vocally, over-the-top hostile to Christians and conservatives, but we go see the movies anyway.

We still buy the papers and watch the cable news shows of networks that talk about us like we’re Nazis because we don’t agree with their liberal worldview.

More recently, increasingly monopolistic social media companies that have an inordinate amount of control over who gets heard and who doesn’t have started actively targeting conservatives and we just shrug or spout platitudes.

“If you don’t like the way they do it, take on those monopolies with hundreds of millions of users and billions in cash by building your own company.”

So, what happens when banks and credit card companies target people for their political views? Do we need to build our own banks, too?

Activist Laura Loomer, who has already been banned by PayPal, claims she had her account suspended by Chase Bank.



  1. She barely won this year. Another do nothing politician of Maryland.

  2. Your right, the Dems are nothing but a double standard, hypocrisy. And of all things, it was the "black man" selling the "black man" into slavery for beads and knives. But of course it's the white man's fault. In a country of "freedom of speech", blacks can say the "N" word but whites can't. The "N" word did NOT originate for black people it was a word used long ago for lazy people. But if the shoe fits.....wear it.

  3. Complacent? People are marching with torches again are you kidding me?

  4. Wicomico County Progressives what say you?

  5. She was only speaking the truth 10:15


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