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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

‘Absurd’ — White House Pushes Back On Allegation Trump Kissed Staffer On The Lips

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders dismissed a former Trump campaign staffer’s allegation that President Donald Trump kissed her on the lips during the 2016 presidential campaign.

The former staffer, Alva Johnson, told The Washington Post in a report published Monday that Trump attempted to kiss her on the lips in August 2016 during a campaign stop.

“I immediately felt violated because I wasn’t expecting it or wanting it,” Johnson said, though two alleged witnesses to the incident both denied it took place.

“This never happened and is directly contradicted by multiple highly credible eye witness accounts,” Sanders said in response, adding that the allegation is “absurd on its face.”



  1. She immediately felt violated so I waited over 2 years to say something. You wonder why people don't believe woman who really had an issue IMMEDIATELY.

  2. Remember her 2 witnesses that SHE herself named, both said they DID NOT see that 2 & 1/2 years ago.

  3. Anything for attention AND it does seem to be working with other high profile folks. But really, just a pathetic cry.

  4. Black woman, FORMER STAFFER, President tried to kiss me 2 1/2 years ago. Anyone else think she is friends with Amoroso?

  5. Did you see a picture of her??? lol

  6. When the public response includes people like the comments above, do you really blame people for not coming forward? Working for a man so powerful he will fire you and ensure you never work in that industry again (Hello Weinstein).

    1. Hey Oprah Winfrey is calling. She wants her token following back.

  7. An attempted kiss??? Get real!!

  8. From her looks she should be glad if anyone would even want to kiss her. I would rather kiss my dog .

  9. can be sued for liable for making such crazy allegations

  10. He stuck his tongue in my ear. I kinda liked it. (giggle)


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