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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Cardi B: Jussie Smollett 'f--ked Up' Black History Month

Rapper Cardi B said she was "disappointed" in Jussie Smollett and says the "Empire" actor "fucked up" Black History Month in a livestream Instagram video over the Presidents Day holiday weekend.

“So, I’m really disappointed in Jussie Smollett, whatever the fuck his name is. I’m really disappointed in him. I feel like he fucked up Black History Month, bro," Cardi B said. "I’m not gonna say … yet, until he said out his mouth that it was fake and this shit was staged. I don’t wanna completely blame him, because, you know, like, somebody that I was talking to, they said, like, you know, police in Chicago are racist, so they might probably try and frame him and make him look like he’s a liar, but if he's not, then bro, you fucked up, for real.”

She said if Smollett faked his alleged "MAGA" assault in Chicago, he would effectively give President Trump "immunity to laugh at fucking n----s and shit." Cardi B went on to recount her own experience with police, recounting a years-old road rage incident about which she claims police twisted the story even though she admitted she never provided police with a statement.



  1. I hope she doesn't kiss her mother with that mouth

  2. Trash talking about trash. Interesting....Wonder what that combined IQ would be.

  3. Sounds like a real class act. NOT. She sounds exactly like what she is ------------------ You fill in the blanks

  4. Her 15 minutes, just like the rest of them, is just about OVER!

  5. Time for WHITE HISTORY MONTH or don't the Whites

    have any History ??? They can't have anything in their own
    country !!!! Sad

    1. You can thank the Jews. The Civil rights movement myth providers.

  6. WTH is there a Black History Month anyway? Every time you turn around there is a black person on a TV show. Every TV show has a black star and sometimes a white star.

    Have you ever noticed that every TV show and movie that has a police department has a black police chief? And all the subordinates are white. That started a long time ago and it went over everyone's head because they didn't even notice. Now in real life, most of the departments have gone to hiring black police chiefs because they want to be diverse. Have you ever noticed those cities also has the highest crime rates?

    Has anyone noticed that more than 50% of the advertisements on TV now have interracial couples? Many of them being black women with a white man. In reality that isn't reality. Why are businesses and the advertisement community trying to force that on us?

    Have you ever noticed that many of the advertisement has a black man acting superior to the white man? There is so much hatred for white men in this country. Remember the Toxic Male BS?

    1. 1:32- I'm in real estate and if I was to have a visual ad featuring buyers or sellers that doesn't represent a spectrum of races or ethnicities I could potentially be sued. I'm sure this is not the only form of advertising where someone could be sued for not including races, genders, and sexual orientation.

  7. Gee I hope white history month goes smoother. Ho, I forgot there is no white history month!

  8. I'm with 7:21 I've always wondered why we never had had white history month, Mexican or Chinese it's all about the #1 race in this country we are all 2nd class citizens. Lets talk about racism in this country worse than the 50's and were still paying for it and those that were around then are older than dirt and have to watch history be re-written, and our statues torn down.

  9. Bring the story up every February. Make it a part of Black History Month. Deserves to be there.

  10. Do away with Reverse Discrimination (called Affirmative Action) and have Only Real Equality !!!

    Until then, both races will continue to Hate each other !!!

    Treat Whites equal to Blacks so they can have a White History Month / Go to school were they want / Get Same
    Government protections Blacks have / have a WAAWP /
    Whitish Show / White this, White that like Blacks can have
    Black this Black that / WET channel !!! on & on

  11. Whites are becoming the minority in AMerica !! Fact

    Soon they can get a Race card too & get Affirmative Action
    Protections too ......to Level the playing Field !!!! Fact

    NaaWP School Choice WHite Colleges
    White History Month
    Southern Flag
    Whitish Show
    White Museum in DC

  12. Excuse me, but may I please ask when is White History month?

  13. February 21, 2019 at 8:37 PM;

    Every month but February! LOL

  14. To all you whiners F*** these racist bitches. Stop bowing down to them accepting century old wrong doings. Most of all get your kids away from their music. Take away sports and rap and it'll all go away

  15. Rap should be outlawed. It is Racist Hate against Whites
    & it all started in the prisons & gangs .

    Stupid lawmakers do nothing about it because they are
    afraid to loose the Black votes !!!

    It is all thrown in the White's face in America
    Rock & Roll is Dead already . Only the Old & nearly dead are
    left to play it > No new Rock since the 80's !!

    White kids don't have a chance to save Their culture , it is
    being Erased !!!

  16. Cardi is just another Racist Rapper !!! Period


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