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Monday, January 07, 2019

Virginia’s Democrat Gov. Pushes Gun Confiscation Orders, Criminalization of Private Sales

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) proposed gun confiscation orders, criminalization of private gun sales, an “assault weapons” ban, and other gun controls on Friday.

Northam claimed these controls will reduce “gun violence” although all evidence actually points to the contrary.

Northam tweeted: “This morning I announced a broad package of reasonable legislation to prevent gun violence and improve Virginia’s public safety. I look forward to having a dialogue with the General Assembly this session on these important issues.”



  1. Don't let this happen voters !!!

    1. The voters were who put Governor Ralph Northam into a position to initiate these new wave gun control laws.

  2. Coming to a neighbor near you
    Get ready folks
    It's a coming

  3. HAHAHA. You WANTED it. You got it!! First you IDIOTS allow your heritage to be erased. No your gun Rights. Virginia is for ASSHOLES!!! They are to worried STILL fighting the Civil War. Stupid FREAKING hillbillies.

  4. Rich part of Virginia liberals will vote for this. They are the deciding vote in the state.

  5. 9:30 Don't worry the voters will certainly let this happen, then they will get on here complaining about what the guy does... Because you see, these retards need something to complain about, so that is why they let this crap happen... SO they can then complain about it after and blame you for not stopping it when it was them who allowed it to happen to them...

  6. Let the war begin!!


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