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Monday, January 07, 2019

Nolte: Romney Silent After Trump Called ‘Hitler’ and ‘Mother f**ker’

My-oh-my, Mr. Decency suddenly has nothing to say. Which is rather bizarre, because it was just a few days ago when Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) stridently assured us, “I will speak out against significant statements or actions that are divisive, racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, dishonest or destructive to democratic institutions.”

And yet here we are, a full day after Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) publicly called the president of the United States a “motherf**ker,” and Moral Mitt has remained silent.

Here we are, three days after Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) repeatedly and publicly compared the president of the United States to Hitler, and Wellborn Willard has not said a word.

I cannot be the only one disappointed by this, or a bit confused...

More here


  1. The snowflakes are melting and it makes me lmao.

  2. RINO Romney is NEVER to be trusted. He's an elitist who's part of the Deep State. Period!!!

  3. 8:40 PM
    What does that even mean, makes no sense at all, as a response to this story.

  4. Rep Hank Johnson needs to watch the film "When Hands Touch" and then reconsider his comments. My wife and I were shocked and appalled by the Nazis brutality.

  5. 10:03 that's what they do. When the right has no logical point to make, which is often, they just blurt out SnOwFlAkEs!!!

  6. do not care for the mitt.


  7. He had a good reputation before 2012. Faltered then when he started strong. His current authorship is indefensible. Must have Flake's DNA.


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