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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Trump Has the Democrats Cornered

No sooner had the Democrats taken back the majority in the House of Representatives than they proved their harshest critics correct – the party no longer concerns itself with the interests of the American people. And by refusing to provide a dime for a physical barrier on our border, they did it in the starkest terms possible.

Led by far-left Nancy Pelosi, who held off a challenge to her leadership from the even farther left, the House Democrats promptly put themselves in the position of being seen taking the side of foreigners entering the country illegally over the security and economic prosperity of American citizens. They reduced themselves to the absurd position that "walls don't work."

I'm not one who necessarily believes that President Trump is a master negotiator or is playing 3D chess. But whether by design or because of pressure from his restive base, he now has the winning hand to build his wall and go on to re-election in 2020.

What's important now is that Trump plays his winning hand and resists the growing calls from the opposition media and cheap-labor Republicans to compromise with Nancy and Chuck. Doing so would just throw them a lifeline. Instead, Trump should use the power granted presidents by Congress, declare a national emergency, and begin construction of the wall.



  1. Hold fast mr President, i’m With YOU..

  2. They're cornered, all right, like the bunch of morally unfit rats they've become.

  3. This is just dumb. Trump is bluffing, the dems know it. If it was a national emergency that he had the power to and necessitated the labeling as such there is no reason to have a stand off or a shut down, AND it would be irresponsible to not make the emergency declaration and move forward with it. He is outmaneuvered on this and trapped. Either decision he makes he looses.

    The majority of Americans do not support building the wall.

    All the dems have to do is wait for American citizens and the economy to start hurting because of the shut down and the dems win. Trump looses, and Republicans up for re-election loose.

    I'm a conservative who supports building a wall and I call the shots like I see them. This is pride and hubris at the sacrifice of us all. The president should get over himself and do SOMETHING, or else it's time to get off the pot.


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