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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Elizabeth Warren Signs Pledge Backed By Group Tied To Population Control Enthusiasts

Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren officially pledged to reject fossil fuel campaign donations, becoming the first 2020 presidential contender to do so.

While making her first visit to New Hampshire since announcing the launch of her presidential exploratory committee, Warren on Saturday called for “systemic change” that involves much more than just “change around the margins.” The progressive senatortouted her desire to legalize marijuana, boost estate taxes and expand affordable housing. Warren also set the pace on climate change by becoming the first Democratic presidential candidate to vow not to accept money from oil and gas interests.

Under the stipulations of the pledge, Warren cannot knowingly accept contributions above $200 from any political action committees, employees or front groups tied to fossil fuel companies. The senior senator from Massachusetts joins other possible presidential contenders — such as Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley and Washington Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee — in signing her name onto the pledge.



  1. She's a dishonored and further dishonorable character.

  2. Signing a pledge is no more than a political promise & we know what that is worth. Just politics..

  3. I hope she pledges to stay off the reservation
    They don't want her either.


  4. "Hold my beer while I sign this meaningless pledge."

  5. What good is a pledge signed by a liar?

  6. So these liberals want to control the population but give free health care and benefits to all Americans plus illegals. Who will pay for this if there are more on welfare, medicare, social security, etc., than those who are working?

  7. Is she on the warpath again?


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