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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Thomas Gallatin: The Transitioning Agenda of the 116th Congress

Dems take over the House and signal no willingness to compromise to end the partial government shutdown.

As that old adage states, elections have consequences. Those consequences will begin to be felt today as the 116th Congress is seated amidst a partial government shutdown. The most significant change is in the House, where Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will take over as speaker for the second time as Democrats reclaim the majority. Meanwhile, in the Senate, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will preside over a Republican majority that grew two seats stronger, with newer members more likely to support President Donald Trump’s agenda. Oh, the clashes we’ll see.

So what’s on the agenda for Pelosi and House Democrats? To put it succinctly, two things: pushing socialism and destroying Trump.

Prior to the midterm elections, Pelosi sought to tamp down impeachment talk, calculating that it wouldn’t play well with voters. But since securing the House majority, she has changed her tune, now signaling that impeachment is indeed on the table. Thursday Pelosi cryptically stated, “We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason.” Impeachment or not, Pelosi’s agenda is clear: Do everything possible to prevent Trump from winning reelection in 2020. Hence the shutdown.


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