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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Nancy Pelosi Claims Constitution Gives Her Equal Power to President Trump

Newly-installed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed Thursday that the Constitution gives her equal power to President Donald Trump.

The New York Times reported: “Asked if she considers herself Mr. Trump’s equal, she replied, ‘The Constitution does.'”

The context of her remarks was a discussion of the equality of women — but Pelosi’s reference to the Constitution made clear that she was also making an argument about actual power as a matter of law.



  1. She will see . that she does not when Trumps uses Executive Power (over her) . to Declare Natl Emerg

    & Get The WALL . built . next week

    And for the Judges......Don't . bother trying to Stop it .....Trump DOES have the Power to do it !!!!!!!

    Pelosi should be in PRISON . Not Congress . along with the rest of her demon-crats !!!! All . from Hell !!!!

  2. She is just showing her misunderstanding of the Constitution. Just like all other anarchist Dumbocrats. She might not last as Speaker.

  3. The Demon-crats & their buddy Judges . Think they are allowed to tell the POTUS what to do all the time !!

    That's why we have SEPARATION OF POWERS so . jerks like these can't take over America like Dictators !!

    That's why the President has the power he has... to keep these Jerks in Check !!!

  4. she is so uneducated but she is pandering to the uneducated...and because she says it, it makes it so...liberal democrat sheep will believe and trust everything that she and CNN tell them. They wont read a book or document for themselves. BBaaaaa BBaaaaa follow like little sheep.

  5. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐ŸปWay to go all you Dems. This is the face of your party๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

  6. OMG, what a mess this nation is in with the likes of her telling everyone how important she thinks she is. Listen Nancy, we do not care about you or how important you think you are. The best thing you can do is keep that big ugly mouth shut so you don't keep putting that big ugly foot in it.

  7. Senility is setting in to the old hag.

  8. Shes pandering to the idiots that elected her.

  9. She's such a delusional digbat. She has a Napoleon complex.

  10. And they complain about Trump

  11. A legion in her own mind, I think we will see that she doesn't serve her term this time around, because even her own party and the Government will eventually face the fact she is brain dead and she will have to be impeached.

  12. Go ahead, believe everything she says. Most Democrat voters do. Shows how educated about civics they are. And SHE, of all people, knows how ignorant her subjects are. Most of the democrats I know, and living on the shore, I know quite a few, are just what Nancy Pelosi thinks they are. Why do I say that? They actually believe the crap the party leaders tell them.


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