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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thiessen: Trump started the shutdown but Democrats are about to own it

President Trump did something Tuesday night that he has rarely done since taking office: He used the presidential bully pulpit to reach beyond his hardcore base of supporters to make his case to the American people as a whole.

Speaking from the Oval Office for the first time during his presidency, Trump embraced our country's tradition as a nation of immigrants, declaring "America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation." He then offered a cogent explanation for why he believes we face what he called "a humanitarian crisis -- a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul" along our southern border.

He pointed out the human cost of our broken system to illegal migrants themselves, expressing compassion for the "children [who] are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs" and the "women [who] are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico." He shared heartbreaking stories of Americans killed by criminal aliens who had no right to be here -- including a police officer in California who was murdered, a 16-year-old girl who was brutally stabbed in Maryland, and an Air Force veteran who was raped and beaten to death.

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  1. "Birds of a feather" shall I say.

    1. 10:11-That really doesn't say anything. Maybe use it in context rather than stating generic cliches? Who let the cat out of the bag? See?

  2. Birds of a feather - say what. Your point?

  3. Last I checked, Dems passed bills to reopen and provide significant fundimg for border security. Im not advocating for their stance. Just saying its quite a bit dishonest to claim they are standing in the way for political reasons.

  4. Hollywood coming out against house Democrats position on the wall,gold.


  5. Passing a raft of bills to fund a variety of departments while not addressing the underlying question of the border and proposed wall is just more Pelosi political theater. She knows they won't get on the agenda of the Senate but will provide fodder for the subservient MSM to peddle.

    The Dems like to play Lucy with the football, but the President is not going to be Charlie Brown.

    Stay tuned.


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