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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Democratic Reps. Pictured With Anti-Semite, Alleged Muslim Brotherhood Sympathizer On First Day In Office

Far-left Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) embraced anti-Semite and alleged Muslim Brotherhood sympathizer Linda Sarsour this week on their first day in Congress.

The photos came from Sarsour's verified Facebook account where she praised both freshman Democrats.

"These past two years have been difficult," Sarsour wrote in a post that featured herself and Omar. "So much heartache, exhaustion, pain, losses, drama, bad policy after bad policy YET today was all worth it. Today was JOY. Today was PRIDE. Today was full of laughter and tears. For every lil girl, especially lil girls of color - this is for you. You are our future congresswomen. You are because they were."



  1. Talib's Palestinian immigrant parents produced 13 children and Omar married her brother - the future of the USA!

  2. The pain of 9 11 is still with me. I have a problem with Muslim Congress reps making laws for the United States.

    1. Exactly 12:52
      I have the same thoughts


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