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Thursday, January 03, 2019

The #MeToo War on Males

The #MeToo Movement originated with good intentions, to show support for the sexually harassed or raped. But as with everything else, the politically correct warriors have taken over. As this year is ending, people should be examining why it has gone too far and how it has hurt many victims instead of helping them.

American Thinker interviewed Dr. Paul Nathanson, a gender relations professor, who has defined the field of hatred, contempt, and prejudice against men in the current culture, and authored four books on the subject with Katherine Young. For the past thirty years he has researched this subject, and now believes, “The MeToo Movement has declared war on men, undermined the rule of law, and have become vigilantes. In the 1960s I considered myself a feminist. As a gay man, I thought feminism was removing gender barriers with a rhetoric all about equality of pay and opportunity. But now it has moved to identity politics. Justice means ‘justice for our group,’ not what is just.”

Dr. Nathanson believes women need to be accountable for their own behavior and thinks it ridiculous that there are outcries for songs such as “Baby It’s Cold Outside” and that there are demands that the Disney song, “Kiss the Girl” to be banned.” William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk in Star Trek, put it succinctly, “the man in the song is just offering an invitation and presenting an argument for not leaving. He is not saying ‘I'm closing the door and you can't leave.’ It's not force, it's verbal persuasion, which works in the act.” Similarly, the Disney song is trying to prompt a shy boy to “kiss the girl,” not rape the girl.

In the 1970s, another song by Helen Reddy, “I Am Woman, Hear Me Roar” woke up an entire generation of feminists who thought of it as an empowering anthem. In other words, women were raised to stand up for themselves. Dr. Nathanson believes that women should think about taking matters into their own hands by getting out of the toxic #MeToo environment even if it means losing prestige, or financial gain. “If someone doesn’t agree with the #MeToo identity politics they are called a traitor or heretic. But this movement is not empowering women to be independent and to stand up for themselves. There is an implication that women cannot rely on themselves to survive in this brutal world that men have created.”

He wants to call out those that are using feminism to inspire hatred. For example, Senator Mazie Hirono from Hawaii thinks that any woman who makes an accusation should be believed and forget due process. Remember her saying,



  1. I NEVER speak to female coworkers alone. I NEVER COMPLIMENT on work product or new clothes. So be honest I try very hard NOT TO HIRE females now. It's not worth it to me.

    1. If you try “very hard NOT TO HIRE females now,” you’re an idiot. That’s clear cut gender discrimination.

  2. Any wonder why men are looking into buying sex robots.

  3. 8:09 congratulations, you're sexist.

  4. Wow, people like 8:09 are literally the problem. OH WOE IS ME I AM A MAN LIFE IS SO HARD. I CAN'T SAY RUDE THINGS TO WOMEN ANYMORE WHAT AM I TO DOOOOOO

    1. You have demonstrated crazy. Congrats

  5. Most women who work around a lot of men are worse then men. They sit around always talking about some man and what they would like to do.

  6. Feminists are angry, arrogant, self-pleasing women who have bought into a lie that has destroyed families. Murdering babies they don't want because they claim it is their bodies and they can do with it what they please. No thought for the life inside them being murdered when they abort their pregnancies. God is not pleased.

  7. I can see where he's coming from. Too many ugly chicks like to flatter themselves with sexual harassment claims that are simply not true or not meant the way they took it, just looking for something to flatter themselves with.


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