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Thursday, January 03, 2019

Mueller Gang Lies and Tries to Delay Jerome Corsi Case Because of Partial Government Shutdown - Judge Rejects Mueller's Request!

On December 10, 2018, Cristina Laila from TGP reported that Conservative journalist and author, Dr. Jerome Corsi filed a federal lawsuit against Robert Mueller over alleged grand jury leaks, illegal surveillance and other Constitutional violations and is seeking $350 million in damages.

Corsi was in plea negotiations with Robert Mueller after being questioned by the special counsel for over 40 hours about his ‘inside sources’ at WikiLeaks and alleged advance knowledge Julian Assange was going to release John Podesta’s emails – but backed out after he said Mueller was coercing him to lie to a judge.

Mueller and his team have been leaking information about the investigation into Corsi to left-wing journalists and the author is demanding $100 million in damages and $250 million in punitive damages.



  1. Ha ha glad to see Mueller taking a hit!

  2. Laugh all you want but who I the hell do you think pays for it? Hint hint its you me and every other citizen in this country! Still smiling?

  3. It is time for this investigation to end. Anyone with intelligence and not found anything by now is wasting taxpayers time and money. It has been apparent that the angry liberals have been using this as a distraction from all their wrongdoing in hopes they are not investigated. But Obama and Dems gave the libs time to destroy evidence before Trump took office and even after. They should all be in prison.


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