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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Terrorism Actually Does Kill Many Americans Via the Southern Border

It's not just the tragic murders of the Kate Steinles of our country -- isolated or not -- that are the result of insufficient enforcement at our Southern border. Far more deaths than are commonly imagined occur because of this laxity and many of them, despite recent assertions to the contrary by NBC and FOX's Chris Wallace, have a not-so-subtle relationship to terrorism.

In fact, under the radar, terrorism in its most organized forms plays a significant and deadly role on our border.

How is that possible when -- to date, according to some reports -- only a relatively small number of certifiable terrorists have been caught crossing red-handed on violent missions, as was argued by NBC and Wallace?

Look no further than the life expectancy of Americans that has declined over the last few years for the first time in decades. This disturbing development has been ascribed to sedentary lifestyles and a rising suicide rate, particularly among white males, but most of all to the opioid and related drug crises. Drug overdose deaths reached 70,000 in 2017. (As nearly everyone knows, 9/11 killed slightly fewer than 3000. And that was, luckily, a one-time event. The 70,000 figure, plus or minus, has become roughly an annual rate.)


1 comment:

  1. If you have ever had a son,daughter, mother father or friend die from an overdose you should want the wall built Regardless. 80% of all heroin comes across the Mexican border so remember that when you go to the next funeral of a person close to you that has died from an overdose I do every day.


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