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Saturday, January 12, 2019

Obama-Appointed Judge Rules Rick Scott Violated Brenda Snipes' Constitutional Rights With Suspension!

Mark Walker, a Federal Judge appointed by Barack Obama, ruled Wednesday night that former Florida Governor and current Senator, Rick Scott violated Brenda Snipes’ Constitutional rights when he suspended her.

US District Judge Mark Walker said that newly elected Florida Governor Ron DeSantis must give former Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes a “meaningful opportunity to be heard” in regards to her suspension by a March 31 deadline.

Mark Walker ruled that Rick Scott’s decision was an “effective termination” therefore violated Snipes’ due process rights, reported the Washington Times.



  1. What, the governor didn't have a lawyer or five, a state attorney general and a Human Resources person to tell him what he could and couldn't do? That hardly seems possible, unless they had a flaming Liberal bent about them.

  2. Yea but shes a lying POS Democrat

  3. If you owner a business and your employee was incompetent wouldn't you fire that employee . Oh I forgot that you must ask everyone's approval including the employee to be fired. She needs to be in jail . Florida wake up. Fire the judge.


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