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Friday, January 11, 2019

Senate Obstructocrats Consider Blocking All Legislation Until Shutdown Ends

Senate Democrats are considering blocking any and all legislation that does not include reopening the government, in a move they hope will pressure Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to permit a vote to reopen the government.

Senate Democrats want Tuesday’s main focus to be on the government shutdown and are therefore considering blocking any legislation, unless it includes reopening the government.

“Senate Democrats should block consideration of any bills unrelated to opening the government until Sen. Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans show a vote on the bipartisan bills the House passed to open the government. Mitch, don’t delay. Lets vote!” said Chris Van Hollen, to which Democrat Sen. Ben Cardin agreed.

“Agreed. This isn’t business as usual,” replied Sen. Ben Cardin, “This is a crisis — Americans are suffering for it.”

More here


  1. Works for me!

    No new legislation is good legislation.

  2. Well good, that means for the time being no new tax hike bills that they said they would do as the very first thing...

  3. They will try anything. Stay the course mr president.

  4. Then their pay should also be suspended till they do the work they were hired to do, actually no work, NO PAY!!

    1. agree. they are non essential employees and should be on no pay furlough

  5. This is what MD gets for voting them in. That just proves how ignorant and stupid voters are. They vote in the DC money cronies that do not represent them. These are the idiots that are keeping the government closed. They are getting paid and showing no support for the workers by giving up their pay.

  6. What's wrong with a vote?

  7. Let’s all meet at Chris’s house at 7pm tonight to discuss the shutdown


  8. Ben's awake? He's only propped up and trotted out every 6 years.


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