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Friday, January 11, 2019

Nolte: Bill Kristol Launches the Bulwark with a Lie

With most of his money coming from far-left billionaire Pierre Omidyar, Never Trump dead-ender Bill Kristol decided to put the “bull” in Bulwark by launching his new website with a heaping helping of fake news.

With a ton of aid and comfort from the gangsters at CNN and the serial liars at the Washington Post, the Bulwark officially launched this week with the promise to “conserve conservatism” by fighting the Bad Orange Man using the same guys who tanked the 23-year-old Weekly Standard last December.

Naturally, the Bulwark launched with one of those very special kind of lies meant to assure the establishment media that the Bulwark is one of them, in the club, reporting for duty — oh, and if you could invite us over for some cable news hits that would be great cuz we’re dying over here.

Referring to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the Bulwark story is titled “How AOC Owns the Cons.” And while the story is composed with that well-honed tone of superior snobbery that defines Never Trump, in its defense, it is really, really long (nearly 900 words).

Without question, though, the article’s greatest achievement is how it managed to publish all those words without ever once justifying its own headline.

More here


  1. It's just a Liberal rag to give a few jobs to their golden children and provide some tax shelter as it fails.


  2. If Kristol's affiliated it's BullWarp.


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