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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Pennsylvania High School Students Demand Repeal of Campus ‘Bible Ban’

Students at Cumberland County High School are fighting against what they say is the local Pennsylvania school district’s unconstitutional ban on distributing Bibles on campus.

The students allege that David Harris, the high school’s principal, told members of the Christians in Action Student Club that they were not allowed to pass out Bibles to their friends during lunchtime and that if they wanted to pass out Bibles after the school day, they would have to get approval from the school administration.

The students then asked Jeremy Samek, Independence Law Center senior counsel, to help them challenge Mechanicsburg Area School District’s “Bible ban” and appeal to administrators to lift it.

“For some reason they believe that in order to avoid an establishment clause violation, they mistakenly believe they need to treat religion like it’s toxic, and they need to eliminate it from public school wherever they find it,” Samek said, according to PennLive. “When you start doing that, you move from protecting the establishment clause to violating the free speech right of students.”



  1. Good for the students! Glad to hear there are some young disciples of God willing to get the word out.

  2. The Z generation understands the big picture more already than the millennial snowflakes ever will

  3. Their parents pay for that school and the salaries of the staff. So, those students can pass the Bible out if they want. The other students do not have to take it. They are hurting no one. Schools trying to control our children.


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