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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Cher demands Pelosi end partial government shutdown, fund border wall: ‘DON’T DIE ON THIS HILL’

Liberal music superstar Cher is holding congressional Democrats’ feet to the fire amid the ongoing partial government shutdown.

It came after President Trump delivered a prime-time address from the Oval Office on Tuesday night making the case for funding the border wall, which was followed by a response from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who argued that the president must reopen the government in order to continue conversations about border security.

Cher then took to Twitter to blast the president for promising that Mexico would pay for the walland demanded him to end the government shutdown.



  1. Stand fast for us, Mr President. This is our LAST chance. Don’t let the liars trick you ..

  2. Cher demands ? That in itself is a laugh , who in the hell does she think she is "I demand" . She spent 20% of her life singing and 80% on her back . What a joke , she wants illegals in her life but not in her home.

  3. From her mansion in Paris.

  4. The last time I took advice from Cher was when she sang "It Ain't Me, Babe".

  5. Cher & hanoi jane are from the same mold

  6. 5:15

    The last time I took advice from Cher was ..........well never!

    Cher is just another idiot court jester.

  7. The comment board for out of work government workers are all Democrat and against the wall so Pelosi better fund the wall.

  8. To thing I was in awe of her many years ago when it was Sonny and Cher. What has time done to her. Demand is a strong word especially from her. No one cares what she thinks about politics. Maybe another face lift would make her happy. My bad.

  9. Boney Maroney wanting to be relevant again. Ew!


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