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Sunday, January 20, 2019



  1. what no crabs, colt45 or drugs this month? not going to be able to get my nails done? not going to be a very happy place!

    1. Wow, so you can buy beer, drugs and get your nails done with the EBT card..well I’ll be damned..lol

  2. Check your SNAP balance on your government issued computer or cell phone for your balance. Did I leave anything out - you bet I did.

  3. Lazy asses need to WORK.

    1. You certainly don’t know what you’re talking about. Many people work hard but still don’t have enough income, therefore they are eligible for food stamps. These people could be your daughter, mother, nieces, cousins etc.

    2. No they would not be any of my family real families support each other when the going gets rough. Looks like you were brought up in the era of let's live off the government. Personal responsibility?

    3. I bet you there is someone in your family right now on government assistance! Even if it’s not good stamps. I could be wIC, medicaid etc...foodstamps aren’t the only thing given by the government. And I’m sure there are several people in your famil might even be your daughter receiving one of those benefits

  4. Maybe some people will get a job

  5. you wanted socialism. well you've got it. let us know how this is all working out for you. because this is what it will be like

  6. Relying on the government for food?
    Not a good idea.

  7. get ready for the unrest.

  8. Call the food bank.

  9. These idiots think it's a raise BUT it's actually them getting ZERO $$$$$ FEB AND ON ...LET THEM STARVE TILL WE GET A WALL.

  10. Put them work building the wall. Camps with surplus cheese sammiches and outdated white bread. Leave your babies with their daddies momma.

  11. I understand that some commenters hate on people who are poor. Mainly, you hate on those who pretend to be poor and take advantage of a generous social welfare system.

    These systems are designed to make the population dependent on the government who creates them. This gives them a reason to exist.

    In spite of this the government is evil and corrupt. Nobody can defend the government against these charges. It is obvious. The government doesn't try to hide its vileness and its members don't try to hide the corruption amongst themselves.

    It is ugly. An ugly mess.

    Try not to hate the people who fall victim to this system.
    They are victims, as are those of us who pay taxes on our incomes.
    We are all victimized by this government.
    So don't fall for their trick of "divide and conquer".
    They hope we will hate each other.
    That way we don't have time to hate them.
    Hate them instead.

    Thank you

  12. Show a little compassion for my friend's elderly mother-in-law and her $16 a month snap stipend living in a single wide trailer.

    1. Elderly mother in laws is who this is for not a 20-40ish able body person. I have no problem with elderly and some folks in certain situations using snap it's the young able people using it as a source of income not to work.

    2. You seem to think everyone getting food stamps does not work. Maybe you think that because you daughter either didn’t work and used to get foodstamps or she still getting them now while not working.

  13. The most infuriating thing that I ever encounter is when the person at the grocery checkout ahead of me with the perfect nails and the latest cell phone pays with a snap card.
    You people are TRASH!

  14. Get a JOB.....that means the nasty four letter word.....W O R K !!!! Ha Ha Ha

  15. Get a job instead of laying around for hand outs

  16. Will snap holders get back benefits like government works get back pay?

  17. I hope this gets ugly...

  18. Good! Lazy bastards can go to work like the rest of us!

  19. I work 40-60 hrs a week and still need food stamps to take care of my family. It's not always lazy people who need them. Smh!!!

    1. I agree with you. These ones on here thinking differently their daughters maybe even their mothers get those benefits

  20. Yes I agree many receiving these benefits are hard workers who BECAUSE of democrat policies can't make ends meet. This is why the wall is necessary. The democrats want to keep people in chains, chained to the democrat plantation. Democrats want open borders because democrats only care about big business and making them richer. Liberal immigration policies and open borders guarantees wages can remain low and people can't be self sufficient and they have to rely on the government. With open borders there are a steady stream of people ready willing and able to work for slave wages. Employers should have to compete for employees by offering higher wages and benefits.

  21. So...the solution is to open the borders and let MORE unemployables into the country to get SNAP? If so many choose not to work or are unskilled and can't find decent employment at decent pay, how does it make any sense to allow more to be added?

  22. Absolutely right. The democrats ONLY concern is making their big business donors more wealthy. They were vacationing in Puerto Rico paid for by big business lobbyists. The lobbyists are telling the dems to stand their ground and do not give into the President on immigration. Anyone who falls for the democrat lies that they are for the little people and the American worker is either a liar themselves or pathetically ignorant dumbed down waste of air who should have been aborted by the Love To Kill Babies democrat party.

  23. 7:15 that is what they teach them to be nothing but lowly sponges off the government. They keep on making those babies they can't pay for and its not one bit cute. It's gross really. Even animals are more civilized then the welfare baby makers.

  24. 7:29 it doesn't make any sense but you are dealing with democrat voters none of whom have working brains. The concept of more able workers means less pay isn't something the imbeciles can figure out.

    1. You are a prime example of why the govt does not work. Some simple minded democrats think the same thing about republicans. Some of you people act like bonified gang members. Grow up.

  25. From a basic sociology perspective... programs like snap, while seem like handouts to lazy people, actually keep your tax dollars and personal investments LOWER than they would.

    Expect crime to go up, surges in black market activities, and general unrest, which in the long run will cost you in higher tax dollars for policing and prisons... a drop in the quality of your neighborhoods and property values, and damage to your homes and families ravaged by fall out from drugs and criminal activity.

    The truth hurts. The social programs are not only about making sure those that truly need it are helped. It is an investment. Don't forget it.

    1. You just made me laugh out loud!

    2. Not when illegals are sending American money back to there countries. Its no wonder they want them to stay here.

  26. @ January 17, 2019 at 5:49 AM. If you can't afford to feed them, then don't have them. I didn't have sex with your woman, so don't expect me to take money out of my pocket to feed them. Take some responsibility for a change and use your brain. Not your, you know what.

  27. Honestly your drug addicts, illegals and those w/ A multitude of kids are are the ones getting the food stamps and money circulating in the system. Working people are being denied, given less then 50.00 and cut off left and right. I understand being judgemental of the leeches i named above but have some empathy for those who do work and pay there bills first and foremost with family s, the laid off, or the elderly whose worked hard all there life, lost a spouse and are struggling to pay everyday bills and outrageous medical bills while illegals get pregnant for anchor and suck up everything. Right now the money supporting illegals over the past decade could been money federal workers could have utilized in this time of party tantrums and fighting.


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