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Sunday, January 20, 2019

JUST IN: President Trump Denies Aircraft for Pelosi's Foreign Trip


  1. OMG! I do hope this is real! Trump is freakin awesome! LOL

  2. In your place Nancy. No need for foreign travel with unpaid security while you ignore your job duties and responsibilities to the American people. Maybe now you will feel the pain the federal employees feel.

  3. love it, this man is a genius!

  4. MAGA,I LOVE THIS PRESIDENT!! He is freakin awesome!

  5. I think that the troops in those places, especially the security and PR officers, just breathed a sigh of relief.

  6. Love this, she needs to keep her rear end in Washington,DC and President Trump is so right in sending this letter. Love it, keep it up Mr. President.

  7. If Pelosi wants to take a trip, she needs to take a trip to the border and open her squinty eyes and see what is really happening, then stay at the border for a full week to get full effect, that's the only trip she needs to go on.


  8. Also worth recalling is how she used USAf as her private jet service when the Kenyan was king. Including lux amenities.

    Would be an eye-opener for her to end up in middle seat halfway back in the plane.

  9. Brilliant...absolutely brilliant.

  10. This is the President Trump we elected!Now he needs to fire Mueller and Rosenstein as soon as their yawn report comes out . Declare a National Emergency .Start construction on the wall and tell any panty waist judge that rules against it the same thing Andrew Jackson told the bastards--Enforce it -because they cant

  11. If this is real, it makes me happy. If it is real it also makes me sad that this left the White House with so many punctuation errors. Shutdown, strong border security and southern border should not be capitalized. Shouldn't they have an English teacher on staff somewhere? Or at least one they can call and have them check for errors.

    1. Capital Letters Just Used To Stress Those Words. What's your spell check say about that ? 4:40

    2. 440 check your spacing and sentence structure. Please.

  12. Best President EVER!!! #buildthewall

  13. Obama Crooked BastardoJanuary 17, 2019 at 5:11 PM

    Awesome President Trump! Nancy Pelosi and her useful idiots "entourage" were on the bus to the airport when they got The Letter. Hillarious! Nancy thought that Federal Shutdown doesn't apply to her royal heiness and her fellow Democ-rats, so here is the reality check, bitch-slapped right there. Oh no, now I can see Nancy's temper-tantrum & crocodile tears on every MSM propaganda channel tonight. Send Nancy on One-Way trip to Afghanistan and Instantly Make America Great Again!

  14. I bet she didn't see that coming....LMAO You go POTUS!!!!

  15. Excellent Move.
    She can't attend meetings if she is not here

  16. we're still paying for her junket to PR!

  17. I bet she dropped a deuce in her depends when she saw that!

  18. Yet frumps wife took a plane done to mar largo on our taxes!

  19. Trumph is the best thing that has ever happened to this country. Keep up the good work.

  20. Priceless! Put the burn on the Dems.

  21. GREAT !!! SHOW HER WHO'ES . B O S S !!!!!

    Punked her out > plus . Schiff . & more on the Bus LOL !!!

    They can't do a Damn thing about that one LOL . !!!

    Trump should have told her . & Don't bother booking Any
    more expensive Private jets & billing it to the gov't Like
    You got caught doing in the Past . also !!!! LOL .

  22. 4:40--

    I got the impression that the capitalisation was for emphasis.

  23. Democrats got in and off to Puerto Rico and world traveling and just obstruct and resist everything sounds like citizens who voted for them getting shafted.

  24. Keep praising this raging idiot, you all will be going down soon. It seems as thou you love a liar , however the wise know who you are go to St John 8:44.

  25. Another Good Idea would have been to Let Her & her fellow
    Demon-crats Go on the plane (One Way) and Refuse the

    Return Flight . !!!! LOL . OOPs . Govt Shutdown , so
    No $$$ . for Return Flights . LOL

  26. Besides . NObody wants to see her bunch . over there Nor

    is it appropiate for them to get a FREE Vacation using

    FREE govt . travel for their excuse just to go and have a good . time this weekend . !!!!

    Traveling to where they were going is the POTUS . job NOT
    their place to be doing . !!!!!

    I wonder How many of these (what should be Not Authorized Trips) the Damn bunch takes at Taxpayer's
    expense all year long . It should be Illegal & Investigate
    that !!!!!!

  27. Americans out of work because of this witch and she wants to take a trip on the tax payers dime? Says a lot about the democrats mind set. We will do as we want, and you will do as we say.

    1. You do know as Speaker of the House, she was conducting her congressional duties by visiting a war zone and with military allies. I think you folks forget it is Congress who has the reaponsibility to appropriate and legislate in these key issues. Take off your ideological blinders and tin foil hats for just a day and guy you may see you all sound like a bunch of idiots cheering trump on for this.

    2. No sir you are the idiot. Why would you think it was ok for them to leave the country on the taxpayers dime to visit the troops while our government is shutdown🤦‍♀️ Kinda like planning a big vacation when you’re not getting a paycheck. Are you also okay with the Dems tanning on the beach in Puerto Rico while the government is shut down? Talk about blinders🙄 But let me guess. It’s Trumps fault🙄 Great job being part of the problem👏🏻👏🏻

  28. Can you imagine the language on that bus when it turned around? Must have been a lot of bruised ego's on that bus.

  29. Should have let them go and then contacted the pilot and told them to return the plane after everyone got off. That would have been a hoot.

  30. 2 Term Limits for ALLLLLLL !!! of DC criminals !!!

    1. And you believe Congress will vote for their own demise on the government dole? Do you really think they’ll end their parasitic lifestyle for the good of our country? Are you having koolaid laced wheaties for breakfast?

  31. Pelosi just got her Wings Clipped !!!! LOL nice

    Enough traveling the world at Taxpayer's Expense !!!!

    1. No doubt she was going to broker some deal that would enrich her personally. Seeing the troops was just a glorified cover story. As if Democrats have ever given a hoot about our military. Look at the shambles the VA was under their so called leadership.

  32. Dictator-in-chief at work again. Holds up legitimate US government business to punish political enemies. Thats some real banana republic mess right there. All the while the same folks who screamed falsely about "evil socialist dictator" for 8 years are now clapping. Keep on following right along Sheep.

    1. Following the swampers who have been ripping us off for decades are you?

    2. 10:34 You can not possibly be that stupid. It’s Trumps fault?? So let me get this straight. The government is shut down but the Dems are either vacationing in Puerto Rico are trying to fly to Brussels to visit the troops. The only blind sheep I see is you.

  33. Actually, the President has suspended all of Congress from using any government leased or owned aircraft for any travel unless given explicit sign off from the Chief of Staff Mulvaney. Democrats have been grounded or they can fly the friendly skies on commercial flights only and at their own expense. Check.

  34. 2:33....that's even better.

    This hussy has blown enough of our money to have built a wall twice the height and length that our good president wants. I am so thankful you are in the White House Mr. President.

  35. What a fool. It's not just the 800,000. It is also the 4.6 million private contractors that service the closed portions of the government that absolutely won't get payed, it is also the businesses that rely on the patronage of these people.... oh... and let this drag on until people can't get tax refunds.

    This is Trumps shut down. If he wanted to write spending bills he should have ran for a different office. The elected representatives are representing their constituents, and may I add the majority of Americans don't support the boarder wall, so it stands to reason there would not be funding for it.

    The responsibility of this rests solely in the hands of Trump. This in unequivocally and unarguably Trumps shut down... to say otherwise means you are grossly misinformed, or you are purposely being deceptive.


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