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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

MSM Downplays Arrests in Jazmine Barnes Shooting After “White Suspect” Turns Out to Be Black

Crime statistics show murders within same race are actually far more common

A Note From Alex Jones: This is an incredible illustration of how the corporate, mainstream media works in concert to put out disinformation and obscure the truth to heighten tensions and further balkanize this nation. This is a classic divide-and-conquer strategy.

It came out yesterday that they caught the man who’s reportedly admitted he shot the poor, little African-American girl. Even though that information has been out for a day, in lock-step CNN, the New York Times and dozens of other publications simply ran with the headline that the shooter of the little girl had been reportedly apprehended.

Upon reading the articles, which they should be forced to update, there were no image of his mugshot, there was no image of the fact that he is black, and no mention of the fact that there had been a national hysteria whipped up by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) and others claiming this was a major hate crime on our hands, which angered thousands of people who came out to talk about race relations in America about how bad white people are



  1. 6 percent of the population is committing 52 percent of ALL murders in the US. However the only race and gender attacked daily on tv and mainstream media is strait white males.

    1. And apparently there’s a percentage of the population that can’t spell straight.

    2. Big deal 6:14, they got their point across. Sure hope I spelled & punctuated correctly.


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