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Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Amazon removes products....offensive to Muslims

Amazon has pulled more than a dozen products from its website after concerns raised by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR),CNN reported Tuesday.

"All sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who do not will be subject to action including potential removal of their account," an Amazon spokesperson told CNN. "The products in question are being removed from our store."



  1. Well wait a minute, I'm now offended because I like those products. Careful with that reverse discrimination AMAZON. Pandering to one religion, while disregarding the beliefs of others!!!! Probably not a good business practice!

    Slippery slope indeed!

  2. Well I think it's offensive to have mosques all over the country, can we please close all of them and I find it very offensive for anyone in the United States Congress to be sworn in with one hand in the air and the other on a koran, very offensive indeed!

  3. Free market folks, companies make decisions based on what they deem to be most profitable.

  4. Keep bowing down.

    Low enough, at least, so they can get a good lick when cutting your throat or head off.
    Which is exactly what the quran tells them to do to you and me at the first chance they get.
    And the cheering for diversity , inclusion, and tolerance is wildly ecstatic.
    Just not in any muslim countries.
    Keep cheering.

  5. Dave T: Who gives a damn about Muslims and their feelings? I certainly don't treat them any different than anyone else, and hell will freeze before they get any special treatment from me. Despite their aspirations, Muslims need harsher treatment in my opinion. Rashida Talib is just one example of what you get when you give Muslims too much power and recognition. Result - a loud mouth, disrespectful scumbag who disgraces the very office she holds starting the first moment she gains recognition for her newly acquired public position. Muslims have a hard lesson coming if they think people here are going to sit back and tolerate to they nonsense.

  6. Shame on Amazon. When in Rome, do as the Romans do...


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