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Saturday, January 05, 2019

Lawmaker arrested for child cruelty says he spanked daughter

A California lawmaker who was arrested on suspicion of child cruelty says the allegation stemmed from spanking his seven-year-old daughter.

Democratic Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula said he spanked his daughter on Sunday night because she was acting up.

Arambula said he believed his daughter went to school angry the following morning and told a teacher about what had happened.

He was arrested on Monday after officials at Dailey Elementary Charter School noticed an injury on the child and reported it to authorities.



  1. I don't usually agree with a Democrat, but a spanking for bad behavior is not abuse. This is what is wrong with children today. Parents can no longer discipline their children without being accused of abuse. Therefore, children never learn good behavior or manners.

  2. Spanking should happen more. Look at the hoodlums we are raising because the government is telling us how. Spanking is not child abuse and will not bruise their poor little egos for the rest of their lives. He did the right thing and more parents should take a page out of his book.

  3. This is the reason why we have bad people in this country. NO DAMN DISCIPLINE.

    The ironic thing is it was Democrats who made spanking illegal.

  4. Try this one Joe. The LAW is on the child's side, Period!


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