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Saturday, January 05, 2019

City of Salisbury General Election Candidate Packets: "It Was Your Election To Lose"

The City of Salisbury General Election will be held on November 5, 2019. Candidate packets containing information describing requirements to become a candidate for this election are now available for download on the City of Salisbury website at https://salisbury.md/departments/city-clerk/elections . Candidate packets may also be picked up at the City Clerks Office located at the Government Office Building, 125 N. Division Street, Room 305, Salisbury, Maryland.

City of Salisbury elections are non-partisan. The filing deadline for the 2019 City Election is 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 20, 2019.


  1. Can we get a good candidate for Mayor?

  2. Let's find someone to run against that Douche Bag Libtard Manure Bota.

  3. Did you know that the Wicomico GOP Central Committee made Muir Boda the Vice President of the Central Committee? The same Muir Boda that got Liberal Jack Heath to run against Bob Culver the incumbent County Executive who is a Republican. We need to extend Muir Boda the courtesy of doing the same for him and getting someone to run against him. Let's find a true Republican to run against him.

  4. Is there any way we can get good Republicans to run against Jake Day, Jack Heath and Muir Boda?


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