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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

High School Teacher Suspended For Showing Fox News Documentary About Due Process In College

A high school teacher in the wealthy suburban New York town of Bedford has been suspended for showing his students a Fox News documentary as part of a lesson plan to prepare them for college.

Mike Poplardo is an economics teacher at Fox Lane High School in Bedford. In May of 2018, he spent two days on a “mini-unit” designed to prepare students for college. During this lesson, he showed students the Fox News documentary titled “Fox News Reporting: The Truth about Sex and College.”

The documentary (which includes commentary from this reporter), hosted by Fox News anchor Martha MacCallum, tells the stories of several male students who say they were falsely accused of sexual assault, in one instance also talking to the female accuser for her perspective. It also debunks some common myths surrounding sexual assault statistics.

Poplardo did not show the documentary to warn male students that they will be falsely accused by women. Instead, he used the film as a jumping off point to a larger discussion about sexual assault.



  1. The LIBUTARDS just made ANOTHER millionaire

  2. As if unwanted pregnancies,AIDS and the new gamut of resistant STD's are not enough now we confused consensual relations. I want it I didn't, I was ready I was not, I thought It was a casual hook up but I was a virgin. It's no wonder the birth rate is down. Everyone is obsessed with them selves and seem to think that every stupid casual encounter they fall into is not a violation of their good sense or moral judgement but as an after thought an attack upon their possibly marketable purity. That's what shot gun weddings were for. Before abortions and divorce. Let them suffer for being impulsive and stupid for what brief corporal pleasures in the dark they can't remember or be sure to accuse of. LOL


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