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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Biden: GOP Stole Florida and Georgia Governorships with ‘Voter ID Laws’

Former Vice President Joe Biden blamed Democrat losses in Florida and Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial races on Republican-driven electoral fraud via “voter ID laws” that “keep people from being able to vote.”

Biden also linked President Donald Trump to “white supremacists” and the “forces of hate” that led to the murder of Martin Luther King in 1968.

Biden made his allegations during Monday’s National Action Network’s annual breakfast in Washington, DC.– an organization founded and run by Al Sharpton.

Upon taking the stage, Biden embraced Sharpton.

Biden said:

"Years ago, there used to be a poll tax. Now, as our last speaker pointed out, just last year 24 states — 24 states — introduced or enacted at least 70 bills to make it harder for people to vote. They now use the voter ID laws like the poll taxes used to be used. Simply designed to keep people from being able to vote..."

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  1. If you need an ID to board a plane, cash a check, etc. why is it discriminatory to ask for one to vote.

  2. Dave T: Go back to bed Joe, your stupidity is obnoxious.

  3. I think Joe Biden's body has been taken over by an alien related to Nancy Pelosi. Beware!

  4. Biden is a moron. He wants illegals to vote and low IQ democrats to vote several times. Thats all !

  5. Every State should have voter ID laws where you have to present a valid State ID before you vote. Democrats object to this because the illegals will not be able to vote. Mid-East Countries you have to dip a finger in ink.

  6. No, Joe, the Democrats weren't able to steal it because of the voter ID laws! There, fixed it, you confused, lying bastard!

  7. Biden knows that illegal votes are the ones that push the Dems over the top, and is opposed to anything and everything that prevents those votes from being cast.


  8. Slow Joe ran with a bogus candidate, and they used every trick in the book to swing votes and hide money. That said, there is one other realistic possibility. He is so obtuse the scheming might have not have registered with him. OTOH, he's used to living well.

  9. I see that Joe's foot in mouth disease has returned.

  10. Poor guy had to ride a foreigners coat tail to get in the White House.

  11. Yeah, grandpa Joe. Just go out and feel up some other women, and shut your yap. We don't want to hear it. All I hear is that aneurysm talking.

  12. Oh slow joe
    Say it ain't so


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