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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Here We Go: Biden Reportedly Telling Associates He's the Democrats' Best -- or Only -- Shot at Beating Trump

Somewhat lost in the shuffle of the intertwined shutdown and immigration dramas this week was yet another significant indication that former Vice President Joe Biden is leaning heavily toward doing something he opted out of last cycle: Mounting his third bid for the presidency. Werecently noted Biden's carefully-calibrated moves designed to avoid certain errors and pitfalls that helped sink Hillary Clinton (the details for that piece were almost certainly leaked into the open by Bidenworld), and now another insight into Biden's timing and thinking has miraculously ended up in the pages of the New York Times. Nothing's settled until it's official, but it sure sounds like he's planning to go for it:

Former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. is in the final stages of deciding whether to run for president and has told allies he is skeptical the other Democrats eyeing the White House can defeat President Trump, an assessment that foreshadows a clash between the veteran Washington insider and the more liberal and fresh-faced contenders for the party’s 2020 nomination. Many Democratic voters, and nearly all major Democratic donors, are keenly interested in Mr. Biden’s plans because of their consuming focus on finding a candidate who can beat a president they believe represents a threat to American democracy. But there is also a rising demand in the party for a more progressive standard-bearer who reflects the increasingly diverse Democratic coalition. “He has the best chance of beating Trump, hands down,” said Senator Tom Carper of Delaware, Mr. Biden’s longtime friend and former colleague. “On a scale of one to 10, that’s probably about a 12 for us.”...



  1. Go for it joe
    Welcome the entertainment

  2. Lets see how many investigations uncle Joe wont have ? Bet he wont see as many as Trump.

  3. On a scale of 1 - 10 Biden. Is a minus 12 .

  4. Securing a victory for"the Don"

  5. A BB gun on a safari would be just as effective.

  6. I don't think the Biden family know what everyone means. His brother was saying Joe can bench 185lb repetitively. Hey BIDEN family. It's not a fist fight MORONS. Although I think PRESIDENT TRUMP could be the F**K our of both if you.

  7. Socialists want the old white men out of the party,good luck Joe.

  8. Oooh that Joe!

    Entire lifetime in government and wrong about everything for his entire lifetime.

  9. Biden is funny stuff...lol

  10. Biden won't step in the way of what Obama wants and Obama has not even mentioned his name. Cortez (very laughable is Obama's favorite). Sorry got carried away. Obama is favoring Harris and Booker. Who knows maybe Holder who has form a group with Obama to influence the 2020 election.

  11. Just what we need. BIDEN PRESIDENT. Look what a great job he did for Delaware in 36 years. No GM, CHYRSLER, MBNA, or DuPont anymore. But the LIBUTARDS of Delaware kept voting him in. UAW Union's. AFSCUM government union. He didn't do a FREAKING THING for Delaware. But sure took care of Amtrak didn't he. Another failing government enterprise. I guess he's tired of touching himself. He's ready to get back into grouping mode.


  12. Biden couldn't and can't beat an egg!

    His whistle stop campaign will never leave the roundhouse, but can, of course, be a conduit for graft on a reduced scale.

  13. Joe B, thanks for the laugh on considering. Enjoy your remaining years at Rehoboth!

  14. Sorry Joe,. You don't have a snowballs chance in hell.

  15. Beto and Michelle are the next Democrat frontrunners.


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