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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Clintons take in acclaimed Broadway play about a gay black choir boy

Rather than stay in to watch President Donald Trump's prime-time address to the nation about what he's been calling the crisis on the border, Bill and Hillary Clintonenjoyed a date night on Broadway instead.

The former commander-in-chief and the former secretary of state attended a star-studded premiere of the new play Choir Boy, which tells the story of a gifted gay black teen at an all-male prep school.

The Clintons were all smiles as they posed up with their 'Playbill' booklet at the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre on West 47th Street Tuesday night.



  1. they were just trying to keep the memory of Ed Buck close to heart

  2. She looks like she has had a facelift.

  3. That was a good place for them.....neither understand National Crisis or Border Security......if they had they would have fixed it during their previous years in Government service!!! This way they have no right to offer criticism......

  4. And? Anyone with a brain stayed away from the TV when Dump was talking last night!

    1. Best President ever
      Just sit in your mama's basement & laugh out loud at the corny ass sitcoms loser boy 5:18

    2. Ah an "un- Enlightened"" one. You will soon 'see' what President (Yes not :Kenyan:) Donald "J" Trump will "do"! He is the Greatest Leader of All times ! Yes ! He makes MAGA! AGAIN! 2024.

    3. Wow, 518. That was almost clever. Almost...

  5. 5:18....I promise to not take offense if you promise to take your meds.

  6. Gay black men keep turning up dead at the house of a prominent Democrat donor

  7. She does look like she had a facelift but it didn't improve anything. In fact, I think she looks worse than before and that's saying something.

  8. So now she is just a rich Private citizen - why can't it be like that forever.

  9. I'm still hoping that the only entertainment they'll have soon is movie night at the prison.

  10. Ed Buck hasn't got around to that one yet.

  11. They are just showing everyone how understanding and all-encompassing that they are. It's all a political ploy for 2020!!


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