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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Harry Reid Endorses Mitt Romney for 2020 Republican Nominee for President

Former Senate Leader Harry Reid endorsed Mitt Romney as the next Republican presidential nominee in 2020.

“I think that he would be a great foil against Trump, and I think that Republicans may even allow him to be nominated to be the Republican nominee,” Reid said. “That would be good for the country.”

The former Democratic Senate Leader praised Romney in a recent interview with Nevada radio station KNPR.

Reid praised Romney’s op-ed critical of President Donald Trump that he wrote for the Washington Post. He also revealed he sent a message to Romney after the former presidential candidate was elected to the U.S. Senate, telling him he was “the moderate voice that Republicans need.”

“That’s how I feel about Mitt Romney, I like him,” Reid said.

Reid falsely claimed that Romney paid zero taxes on the Senate floor in the 2012 election when he was the Republican nominee challenging Obama.

In his interview, Reid defended his false statement citing “ample evidence” but said he was glad he raised the issue because it forced Romney to release his taxes.



  1. If Harry the ultimate obstructionist Reid endorses him - it shows a couple of things - the dumbocrats don't have anyone good enough to win in 2020 and Romney would be the closest to a Democrat that anyone could come up with....

    Both of these reinforce TRUMP 2020!

  2. Since when was it considered proper for a Democratic leader to endorse a Republican President Lmao. Wake up Americans are there to many trees in your way blocking the forest. Remember President Trump has no vested interest in any of the business that make politicians tons of money. Have you ever thought how do they retire with multi million dollar bank accounts on $180,000ish salary? Think people think!!!

  3. The intentional suspension of disbelief....

  4. A democrat endorses a republican. think about that.Especially on election day

  5. Funny how this idiot (and Biden) called Romney a racist. Its a 360 Now just like they've done with W.

  6. Romney couldn't even be a pimple on President Trump's butt. Forget about him

  7. That would be a good choice...President Trump already beat him easliy once...no commit Mitt....good choice Reid!

  8. The kiss of death.

  9. HAHAHA. Reed needs ROMNEY to steal more money from government.


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