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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Even After A Tip, Texas Sheriff And Shaun King Pushed False Narrative In Jazmine Barnes Murder

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez and activist Shaun King continued pushing the theory that a white man murdered Jazmine Barnes, even after both had received a tip that the 7-year-old Houston girl’s killer was black.

Gonzalez acknowledged at a press conference Sunday that he received a tip from King in the middle of the week that Barnes’s killer was not the white male initially suspected in the case.

King wrote Sunday on Instagram that he received the tip on Jan. 3 that a 20-year-old black man named Eric Black Jr. and another man had shot Barnes.

The girl was killed around 7 a.m. on Dec. 30 while riding in a car with her mother and three siblings.



  1. Please think people. Im pretty sure they recieved a ton of tips. That doesnt mean you throw out the steingest evidence you had at the time (witness account). If you ran investigations I guess you would enjoy wildly flailing about with new theories every 6 hours based on tips.

  2. Oh boy. Criticism from the same people that sent 100k military and hundreds of billions of US dollars into Iraq based off a "tip". LOL

  3. Because again cops don't give a damn about you or anyone else but themselves... And the thin blue line... What more proof do you dumb asses need? Everyday there is more and more evidence that they don't give a shit... Yet you all these ass hats hero's...

  4. 12:31 You mad bro?

  5. Anonymous said...
    Oh boy. Criticism from the same people that sent 100k military and hundreds of billions of US dollars into Iraq based off a "tip". LOL

    January 8, 2019 at 12:00 PM

    Look Mom☝☝☝... A freaking LIBTARD🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈!!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Because again cops don't give a damn about you or anyone else but themselves... And the thin blue line... What more proof do you dumb asses need? Everyday there is more and more evidence that they don't give a shit... Yet you all these ass hats hero's...

    January 8, 2019 at 12:31 PM

    AWWW... Still Butthurt I see. When were you arrested last?

  7. 12:31--
    Late with your meds?

  8. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with cops. The racist blacks wanted to blame a white man. One of their own thugs killed her. They are their own worst enemy.

  9. As ALWAYS. It shows who the REAL RACISTS are!!!

  10. @ January 8, 2019 at 12:31 PM. No, you don't give a damn about police because they stop scum like you from committing your crimes. Every day there is more and more evidence that you people kill off your own kind way more than any whites or police do. This murder is another example of it, fool. So why is it you all are not out there marching and burning and looting over this senseless murder? Oh yeah, that's right. Because it's one of you that did it. That Shaun King is an absolute idiot and a racist. Knows damn well a black did it yet still claims a white did it. Prove every day how stupid they are.


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