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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

DNA pioneer James Watson stripped of honours after 'reckless' race remarks

The laboratory Dr Watson once headed says his views on intelligence and race are "reprehensible" and "unsupported by science".

Nobel Prize-winning DNA scientist James Watson has been stripped of several honorary titles by the laboratory he once headed over his views about intelligence and race.

The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory said it was acting in response to remarks he made in a television documentary which aired earlier this month.

The 90-year-old geneticist - one of three who discovered the DNA double helix - had lost his job at the New York laboratory in 2007 for expressing racist views.



  1. This is a prominent scientist that discovered the DNA double helix. He is just stating scientific fact.But the truth is now radical and unacceptable to the left wing media and academia.

  2. ok so ask yourself one question? whether it be art science humanities medicine literature name the field. What has africa given to the world? disease, cannibalism, slavery, corruption?
    Nothing good ever comes out of there! why?

  3. How about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger? Talk about racist--here is a gem from her-

    "We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members".

  4. James Watson speaks the truth

  5. they must change minds to the untruths and darkness of their luciferian idealogy. So they insist we all must comply with this insanity or face ruin. thats because everything satanic is reversed. they are anti nature, anti truth, anti man, and anti God. This will allow the anti christ to rise in power with so many lost, Godless, hateful selfish minds. The progressive left, communist, Islam, new age religions and 99.9% of democrats are on this hell bound bandwagon.
    So obama gets to keep his?

  6. Race is more cultural than it is genetic. The color of one's skin determines little. If you've had your DNA tested you maybe surprised to find that we are all far more closely related than apparent differences. It's culture, beliefs and greed that ultimately divides us. We all have the same base prime directives. Survive and procreate and we have in greater numbers cooperating collectively than standing divided. This modern race debate smolders up from all those stuck in the same socio economic entrapment and both with cultural senses of pride and identity would like to think they are better than SOMEONE anyone.

  7. Scientific facts are a real problem for Today's youts!

  8. Inner city problems seem to point to this scientist deduction as being valid.

  9. For liberals, the scientific method doesn't count unless it supports their political agenda.


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