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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

CAIR Calling Shots on Who Gets Banned from Facebook and Twitter

Fresh evidence that the social media giants are eagerly Sharia-compliant now.

Now it is becoming clear why Facebook and Twitter have for so long been harassing, shadowbanning, and blocking foes of jihad terror and Sharia oppression. Journalist Jordan Schachtel revealed in Conservative Review Tuesday that “the Hamas-tied Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is best known as an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism financing case in U.S. history, appears to have access to high-ranking Facebook and Twitter executives and has communicated with these individuals about who should be allowed to stay on their platforms.”

This doesn’t come as any surprise given the eagerness of both Facebook and Twitter to be Sharia-compliant. Facebook’s Vice President Joel Kaplan traveled to Pakistan in July 2017 to assure the Pakistani government that it would remove “anti-Islam” material. And Facebook has done so assiduously, banning numerous foes of jihad terror and twice now blocking the Jihad Watch Facebook page on spurious technical grounds.



  1. Muslims taking away freedom of speech to bring in ISLAM.

  2. why do people use these agents of satan? remember when using these sites you are only two clicks away from hell! just look how many peoples lives have been destroyed by them!

  3. Wow, this is ludicrous!!! CAIR was declared a Terrorist Organization Many years ago by our own Government. Someone better get their act together!!!

  4. yep block the facts that islam is a stantic evil vile cult...but its to late words out

  5. Been banned for months because of pro Trump comments,not able to comment anything just put emojis.

  6. Why doesn't someone start a variation of Facebook that is middle of the road not so far leftist? People need to stop using it. Like a bad restaurant, why return if the food and service is consistently bad?


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