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Friday, December 21, 2018

Trump Orders Major Afghan Drawdown: 7,000 Troops To Return Home In Coming Weeks

CNN warns "officials brace for Trump announcement on Afghanistan" after Trump's Wednesday bombshell Syria troop pullout announcement. He's now initiated "a major drawdown" of forces in Afghanistan too, and while inside the beltway neocon heads might continue to explode, the broader public for which the seventeen year long Afghan war is deeply unpopular will no doubt cheer the move. And already NBC reports Thursday evening based on defense sources the White House has asked the Pentagon to draw up plans presenting "multiple options" including a "complete withdrawal". Following the "options" order it now appears Trump has pulled the trigger and "ordered the start of a reduction of American forces in Afghanistan" according to a breaking WSJ report:

More than 7,000 American troops will begin to return home from Afghanistan in the coming weeks, a U.S. official said. The move will come as the first stage of a phased drawdown and the start of a conclusion to the 17-year war that officials say could take at least many months. There now are more than 14,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

Further the WSJ reports it marks "the start of a total pullout that could take at least many months."



  1. As a Veteran, I applaud this move by President Trump. The U.S. population doesn't have the stomach for a protracted 'WAR'. Those in congress who don't agree with this drawdown should take a vote and see if they want to go on record for A DECLARATION OF WAR!!! Over the years, we have spilled a lot of American blood in policing actions all over the globe. It is time to bring it to an end.

    1. What he said. We aren't helping these other countries, we are doing all of this "stuff" for our benefit. Bring the troops home and line the borders with them.

    2. What he said. We aren't helping these other countries, we are doing all of this "stuff" for our benefit. Bring the troops home and line the borders with them.

  2. Ditto 12:35 PM's comment.

  3. I agree 12:35. The argument that when we leave a vacuum would be there for terrorist groups to take over is asinine. The only way for that to be prevented would be for us to stay for forever. We are not the world's police. Let them deal with their own problems. The ONLY reason anyone is against this is because many are becoming wealthy over these constant wars and conflicts. They are making millions and billions and our kids are coming home in body bags and many maimed for life. Screw that. I am glad Mattis left. May the door hit him in his ass on the way out. Bolton should leave next.


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