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Friday, December 21, 2018

Ron Paul: Warmongers Upset With Trump's Syria Decision

President Trump shocked Washington this morning when he Tweeted confirmation of rumors that he would order the removal of US troops from Syria. According to his spokesperson, the order has already been given. The neocons are not happy, with Sen. Lindsey Graham Tweeting that removing troops is an "Obama-like" move. Will Trump's own staff rebel? What about the fine print? Are we really leaving?

One thing is for sure, the hawks are having a meltdown...

As a case in point, Josh Rogin at the Washington Post ranted Trump undermines his entire national security team on Syria. And CNN emphasized as part of a "hard news" report that Trump has supposedly handed Syria over to Iran and Russia.

According to Rogin:

Trump appears to be discarding his entire Syria and Iran strategy at a single stroke, giving up any and all U.S. influence in the region — and disregarding the advice of his top national security officials.

If he follows through, writes Rogin, there will follow "devastating and dangerous consequences for the United States." And further: "Trump is now contradicting what all of his other top national security officials have been telling the world for months," says Rogin. So the President of the United States can't make a command decision without a nod from the 'deep state'?

Meanwhile the CFR talking heads note Trump has "overruled" the "other voices"...



  1. all those in favor of continuing our troop presence over there should set up gofundme accounts and send their children. Nothing to be gained and already a lot of wasted lives and capitol brought to you by the shenanigans of clinton and obama and bush> let the israelis and saudis deal with them!

  2. If they want to fight so bad anywhere in the world get on a plane and go!

  3. Thanks, Obama and Hillary, for taking us to Syria to spend more money and lose more lives.

  4. Don't know much about this war except we shouldn't be involved. Most people don't give it another thought because it doesn't hit home. War - Syria - what war. Too complacent. It's for real and young Americans are dying. Pay attention.


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