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Friday, December 21, 2018

Trump administration will make millions of able-bodied Americans get jobs or lose their food stamps

The Trump administration will force millions of able-bodied Americans who receive food stamp benefits to obtain steady jobs if they want the benefits to continue.

That's an idea that Congress nixed just days ago, leaving it out of a 5-year Farm Bill that President Donald Trump signed into law Thursday.

The $400 billion law reauthorized agriculture and conservation programs, and left the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, which serves roughly 44 million Americans, virtually untouched.

But the president announced at his bill-signing ceremony that he aims to move Americans 'from dependence to independence' and 'from welfare to gainful employment, strengthening families and uplifting communities.'

SNAP is by far the U.S. Department of Agriculture's largest single expense, amounting to more than $70 billion last year alone.

The USDA proposed a rule on Thursday that would limit how state governments can grant work exemptions to adults.

Passage of the farm bill followed months of tense negotiations over House efforts to significantly tighten work requirements and the Senate's refusal to accept the provisions.



  1. Trump is the greatest President this country has ever seen.

  2. Able-bodied.

    Each according to ability, each according to need.

  3. Going to be a lot of people in Slimsbury looking for a job!

  4. About time. Tired of seeing two overflowing grocery carts at a time being paid for with SNAP while shopper is hanging on to 4 kids.

  5. i stopped by a convenience store on Old OC road today to get gas. While i was waiting inside, a lady came in asking if they took the EBT card. Mind you, the Food Lion was less than a mile away with much better pricing on whatever she wanted.
    The entire food stamp program NEEDS to be OVERHAULED!!


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