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Friday, December 21, 2018

An Inconvenient Truth For Al Gore: The Ice Is Still There

Former Vice President Al Gore made a ruckus at the COP15 climate conference in December 2009 when he said that “some of the models say that there is a 75% chance that Arctic sea ice could be completely gone during part of the summer in only five to seven years.”

Now, nine years later, the ice is still there, just like the moderate scientists predicted.

It wasn’t just this prophesy that failed abysmally. The legacy media has not reported on it, but most alarmist predictions have failed. The earth did not warm significantly in the last two decades, a phenomenon that scientists refer to as the “pause” or “hiatus” in warming, and the weather has not been getting more extreme. Currently, the climate science community is in the awkward space between recognizing that warming has slowed down and acknowledging that this implies that the computer models are wrong.

President Donald Trump has referred to global warming as a “hoax.” While this, as many of his other statements, is inaccurate, it is directionally true. It did not start as a hoax. Highly ideologically motivated scientists inserted themselves at the center of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). They wanted to be right, and therefore made a few shortcuts.

Until around 2000, the IPCC was still heavily influenced by objective scientists. But in 1999, Dr. Michael Mann published a paper with a graph that became the poster boy of climate alarmism: The Hockey Stick Graph.



  1. I just don't understand why these lying charlatans like Al Gore, Jim Hansen and Michael Mann are never held to account.

  2. In the early 1930's, we had a similar climate change phenomenon. Dust bowl, torrential downpours in certain areas, crazy temperature inversions, etc.
    Since that time, the human population, hence carbon dioxide emissions, have exponentially grown.
    So, is global warming due to human intervention or is it just a gyration in the normal cycle of the climate?
    Can any of the tree huggers explain how the climate COOLED after a sudden, several year increase in temperature?

  3. You guys are completely clueless about the weather modification program.
    Wake up.


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