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Friday, December 21, 2018

Thank God Its Friday 12-21-18

What will you be doing this weekend?


  1. Mark dice ? It's a good one.

  2. Beer, seafood and a medium well ribeye on the grill....prop up my feet and watch the rain!

  3. Working ..Then Hanging Out With Friends And Enjoying This Special Time Of The Year ! While Drinking Smooth Craft Ones Of Course !!! Merry Christmas My Friends !!

  4. since it was raining this morning (been a heck of a year for that), try seeing the sunrise tomorrow morning at the inlet - then enjoy a quiet weekend since most will be out of town. Think about fishing, watch football (4 college bowls Saturday) and have several cocktails!!!

    Happy 1st day of Winter!

    Good news, daylight begins to get longer tomorrow AND only 90 days until spring! YES!!!!

  5. SBYNEWS can you please post this

    The 8 RINO RATS that didn't vote for the wall call there DC Office

    Justin amash 202 225 3831
    Ken buck. 4676
    Carlos curbelo. 2778
    Will Hurd. 4511
    Eric Paulsen. 2871
    iiean Ros lehtinen. 3931
    Fred Upton. 3761
    David valadao. 4695

  6. Being constantly amazed at how many folks just can’t seem to get their mind around there vs. they’re vs. their.

  7. why in sam would you ruin a ribeye like that?

  8. Going down memory lane and visiting the ghost of Christmas past.
    Parents, and Grand Parents are gone, so I will drown my sorrows in Whiskey until I return back to work on Wednesday.


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